Restarting AutoMagic


I’ve been using automagic for a while and really like it. Trouble is, I’m no longer getting new words. I assume it’s updated and added to fairly regularly, but if a new update is not coming online soon, is it possible to start from scratch again?


Hey Alfie, I’ve pestering the SSI crew on this for a while now. Sounds like you’ve come to the end of level 2 south (me too, congrats). I’ve been told that they are in the recording stages of level 3 currently and shouldn’t be too long to wait now… (though I’d love an estimate…)

How do you know that it is finishing at Level 2 South? How many hours is that?

That’s when Automagic south starts repeating itself. Automagic north has recently had level 3 put on it, so it seemed unlikely that he would have come to the end of that so fast.

Depending on your speed setting, it’s anything from about 35 hours onwards