Reader Required


I’m looking for someone to read this Welsh poem for me. I am getting married in July and wanted to incorporate some Welsh into our wedding. My intentions are to read it at the ceremony. I have been learning Welsh for about 2 years now, but I’m far from confident in reading it myself. I was hoping to find someone to read it slowly and record it for me so I can practice it and ensure I get it right. Alternatively if someone has any other recommended poems suitable for such an occasion that already has a recording I would be more than happy to review and see if it suits and I like it.

Thanks in advance, your help is much appreciated.

Mi gerddaf gyda thi dros lwybrau maith,
A blodau, cân a breuddwyd ar ein taith;
I`th lygaid syllaf i a dal dy law:
Mi gerddaf gyda thi, beth bynnag ddaw.

Mi gerddaf gyda thi pan fydd y lloer
Fel llusern yn y nen ar noson oer.
Addawaf i ti’n ghalon i yn llwyr:
Mi gerddaf gyda thi drwy oriau’r hwyr.

Mi gerddaf gyda thi drwy weddill f’oes,
Pan fydd yr haul ar fryn neu’r dyddiau’n groes;
A phan ddaw’r alwad draw, pwy wyr pa awr,
Mi gerddaf gyda thi i’r freuddwyd fawr.

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I’ve had a go at recording it for you, and I hope it’s ok for you. I should point out that I’m a 2nd language speaker and although from SE Wales, I don’t have a particularly Welsh accent, so someone else is more than welcome to post a better version!

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