Question about current subscription model

Hi, I started ssiw WAAAAAAAAAAY BACK on the old site probably a decade ago now and keep coming back every so often to try to get further. I have follow through and focus issues heh.

Anyway the point is, last time I was using SSiW, the first level of lessons were free and I think it was about £5/mo or something to subscribe, but I’m finding that even the second lesson of level one requires a subscription now, is that accurate?

NGL I’ll be bummed if it is bc I can’t spare an extra $14/mo for something I use so sporadically, at least not until I’ve gotten further than lesson 9. :pensive:

Yes, that’s right Kate, the change with subscription happened in 2018.

You do get more for a subscription now though - you don’t have to work through the challenges on your own - the “6-minute-a-day” course gives you tutor support too, which should give you a more structured pattern that makes it easier to focus and follow through. And there is always plenty of support and encouragement here on the forum for the times you feel you’re slipping.

Besides what @siaronjames said, I would add that an increase in price - in my case announced to happen about a couple of months after I started the course, increased my motivation to be more efficient!

Basically, if I know a course is free and has no deadline and expect it to be free for a long time I usually do pretty much like you seem to have done: oh I’ll do a bit today, a bit tomorrow, maybe something again next week or maybe next month, etc.
Knowing that I’d have to pay and even double the price soon…I just made a plan to take advantage of it in a shorter time.

Also, I believe more lessons of the old version of the course are still available for free (but I liked the new one much better and thought it was well worth the price).

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Yes I agree with that Gisella. I started when the first 15 lessons were free, and after doing a few I started paying because it was worth the money. I was so glad I did, because I became part of the slack community with fideo sessions and all of the other support. My parents learn French, and would love to find something like ssiw in that language- they can’t believe how much I get for such a low price :grinning:


Yeah I definitely think the system is well worth it but I can’t afford that much regardless. Alas! I was hoping to at least have level 1 for now but it seems it’s not meant to be. Thank you all for the info though!