Pump am y Penwythnos / Friday Five 18/11/16

Love the shirt - eyecatching, would be happy to wear it.


Well done, you! I can certainly understand that the dragons would be nerve wracking! It’s so intricate! If you ever decide to go into business, let me know. :slight_smile:

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What’s your biggest winter season challenge/difficulty?
Getting my ancient Mam who has AMD and start of dentia and lives 70 miles away through the dark days when she can see even less than normal
What’s your greatest winter joy?
Runningvwith the dog in bad weather and mud in the hills, it’s what we’re made for.
Do you like to connect with wildlife? How and when do you do this? I spend a lot of time outdoors and love to see the seasons go by with changing of wildlife, swallows and swifts going, widgeon and fieldfares coming, lapwings flocking and the hedgerow birds doing what they always do.
What’s the most recent thing you did in Welsh? Did the Her y Marc as usual and had weird half Welsh / Englush conversation with Mrs G,. I rang her from the car to ask “pa fath o gacan?” . She replied, "can’t hear you for road noise, are we talking about cake or sh*t?":flushed:
What does the weekend have in store for you? Still doing pre 'dolig cleaning of wood floors and I need a drink!


Well, this turned out to be a Welsh experience in a small way, as the pub where we had lunch was serving The Reverend James - a very pleasant surprise (given this was in the heart of England), and a very nice pint.


A bit after the event, but it has been a very busy few days:

What’s your biggest winter season challenge/difficulty?
Getting up in the morning while it is still dark, even though I have a SAD alarm clock.

What’s your greatest winter joy?
Skiing! Riding up to the top of the mountain then lazily winding my way down looking at the scenery. Always hopeful that there is plenty of snow, “deep and crisp and even”, and sunshine and blue skies.

Do you like to connect with wildlife? How and when do you do this?
I love walking, whatever time of year, but Spring and Autumn are my favourite times. Looking and listening to birds is a great thrill, as was seeing a young fox crossing a field full of sheep and not taking any notice of them! He stopped and looked at us, but unfortunately I couldn’t get my camera out quick enough to capture his beautiful face. Must admit that I prefer flora to fauna, trees in particular.
What’s the most recent thing you did in Welsh?
Probably texting Dee and watching Y Gwyll, although am continually reading messages from Menter Caerdydd.

What does the weekend have in store for you?
Fabulous weekend with all the family bar my son-in-law, so 8 adults and 3 children. No room for Phil and I to stay in our 2-bed flat so we went to sleep at a friend’s 5 minutes walk away! Everyone else managed with “A Squash and a Squeeze”! (Reference to a children’s story!)

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