Prosiect Bendigeidfran

This is a rather exciting event taking place in Caernarfon on Saturday April 27, in the Old Market Hall, Palace St, LL55 1RR

Basically, it’s a day of bringing Welsh and Irish speakers together for a day of creativity. It’s open to the public and a brief timetable is below, but there is a lot more information on the Facebook page:

11:00 - 12:00 Dosbarth hwyl dysgu Cymraeg + Gwyddeleg (fun class learning Welsh and Irish)

12:00-13:00 Hywel Pitts & GaelGÁIRÍ - comedi dychan (satire comedy)

13:00-14:00 Seaghan Mac an tSionnaigh & Ctrl Alt Del - celf dweud stori / ‘spoken word’

14:00-15:00 Y Stamp & Mionlach - trafodaeth creu cyhoeddiadau annibynnol creadigol mewn cyd-destun iaith leiafrifol (discussion about creating independent publications in the context of a minority language)

15:00 - 16:00 Cywion Cranogwen & Reic Éire - barddoniaeth byw (living poetry)

16:00-17:00 Manon Dafydd Codi Pais - sesiwn celf y chwyldro (revolution art)


Drysau i agor 20:00. Tocynnau yn £10. (Doors open at 8pm for the gig, tickets £10)

DJ Delweddau Hen Dduwiau


3 Hŵr Doeth



Diolch yn fawr i bawb sydd wedi gwneud yn dda iawn efo’r trefniadur(iau)?

My deepest gratitude to those who have worked/are working hard to realise the stuff of my dreams and fantasies.

How can I most helpfully advertise and promote this, do you think?

I hope someone I know may help me with getting there. I profess I feel like a washed out wimp right now, and some family members want me committed to an institutuion as to them I have clearly lost the plot. (‘Twould be funny if it were not excruciatingly painful…)

Diolch eto ac eto ac eto ac eto (Twinky Winky, Dipsy, La-La a Po ydy fi!)

Probably promoting it on Facebook would be the easiest way - get Irish and Welsh speaking friends to pass the information on.

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Well, I think this is a “one step beyond sbeshial”. I am unusually emailing links - only to most trusted friends, and accompanied by properly communicated greetings somewhat out of the blue, and asking them to share with their contacts. I have already started that task now. The personal touch matters. Frankly this means more to me than Christmas and Easter rolled into one with Eid Mubarak, and probably the Jewish and Chinese New Years + add your own festival fascination…:+1:t3:

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It sounds right up your street Lorna. Will you be able to get there?

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I am signalling myself as in ‘exploring options’ mode, to each person to whom I mention it, or at least those who live close to me or would pass nearby. Dropping info (rather than heavy hints) in with my energetic enthusiasm gives them all (i.e. all these new people I am meeting or some old connections rekindled) freedom to evade me… Necessary!

I was unsure I could go at all but Monday’s Saith Seren reminded me how much it all matters to me. Train timetable and hotel prices/ reservation crunching may have to wait… I’m very busy this week. Networking/ co-operative action/ demands on time are through the roof for me right now. (Still no income stream generated, of course, but then I’m not meeting any needs yet!)

So: I know it’s not far off but it may have to be a bit last minute, a “Yes, I can!” moment. Thanks for the enquiry, @Deborah-SSi You’re getting the cogs turning in my gear change mechanism. (Double declutching?)

@Deborah-SSi @nia.llywelyn Dw i di prynu tocynnau trên to Bangor, I hope dal bws i Gaernarfon, reserved night in Bron Menai Guest House for Saturday night… Maybe I’ll see some people there whom I already know, but seems like I only have to book taxi to get me to Saturday’s 6.30am train from Smethwick and I’ll be in Bendigeidfran’s army of peacelovers…


Pwy sy’n trefnu hwn @Deborah-SSi ?

According to Facebook, it’s hosted by Bethan Ruth, Gwion Emyr and Marged Eiry Rhys. Do you know any of them @nia.llywelyn?

Whatever the outcome of Prosiect Bendigeidfran, I get a chance to do a “dummy-run” of my journey to/stay in Caernarfon at the end of next month, and some of the names indicating interest on Facebook are known to me via Facebook/Messenger, so Saturday should be an interesting day. @Deborah-SSi @nia.llywelyn

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I’m glad you’re getting the opportunity to go @lornarhodes. It sounds like something you’ll really enjoy.


Ti’n iawn, @Deborah-SSi! I did indeed get lots from the weekend… @aran liked an expression of interest that I made somewhere here or on Facebook, and your encouragement and @nia.llywelyn’s made all the difference.It was a great, very long day…


So glad you enjoyed it @lornarhodes :slight_smile:

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Two or theee months on…


@lornarhodes can’t make it unfortunately :frowning: I’m seeing my daughter. Will try to get to the next one!

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No worries! I’m hoping the nights of PUG will not always be Fridays… There may be a PUG in Coventry next!?! who knows?!

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There ought to be one! Plenty of Irish people here including Irish language speakers :slight_smile: They meet every Tuesday evening for “ceól agus cráic” at the Hearsall pub.

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Diolch am y hint Andy Jones… I don’t feel you missed much in Brum’s First PUG… I felt intimidated into silence in my first attempted exchange, with an organiser! Ah well, I observed silently, or chatted with English speakers. I listened respectfully to speeches in Irish & English. Went home quite depressed… Summer weather had flown the night before: it was intense, pressured, all indoors, and I was glad to leave for the long bus journey home…