Hi again. yes it worked well for me. In some ways, less distracting than being on camera 
By the way, should we be “leaving” the online Channel/section when we become unavailable, or is it taken as self evident with the passage of time compared to our last comment?
I “left” last night, but then worried that I might have inadvertently left the workspace/group. I dont think so, unless someone re-joined me, as I’m back in there now. If so, thank you.
Sorry for the post night shift waffle 
OK, so tonight my computer decided not to like Slack. I’m not sure if windows 10 is too new for it. It didn’t like the plug in and then didn’t even like the 1-1 even though it worked last night.
Anyway the solution was to use mobile phone (without video) and then to download the desktop app to the laptop. That worked well with the camera. All ok now 
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Me too! Then I’m so computer illiterate it’s amazing I got as far as getting onto the Forum. So hurray for us both! cheers wolfe
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Does anyone know what the name of the workspace is for SSiW Slack?
I’m trying to change my password due to security issues, and it’s proving tricky!
Any tips from anyone who has successfully achieved this would be gratefully accepted. Diolch.
One workspace is “Welsh Speaking Practice”. I’m not sure of the official name of the other one that is for people on the subscribed course, but I’ll tag @Deborah-SSi and @nia.llywelyn - they’ll know.
If it’s the other SSiW 6/6 Support workspace that you want it’s ssiw66
If you go to https://slack.com/signin/find and enter your email address there, it will show you the different workspaces that you’re a member of