Present short form

I’m just listening to the Old Course 3 lesson 2. It’s talking about the Present Short Form. Is this used in every day conversation?

It’s quite common, but different people use it with a different range of verbs and to different degrees. I know people who would never use present short forms themselves and I also know people who would use them most of the time.

Using them with a big range of verbs tends to strike me as a bit formal or old-fashioned (or just Pen Llŷn), but you’ll usually hear at least some in really casual speech as well, depending on the person.

So, it’s good to get a feel for them so you have an easier time understanding people! But definitely don’t worry about mastering them :slight_smile:

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There is a wider range of ‘short form’ verbs used in south Wales than the north, or so I’ve been told, but it still tends to be the more common everyday words. If you stick to those introduced in Course 3 you’ll be fine, but it’s useful to become familiar with the endings, so you recognise them when you hear people using them with other verbs :slight_smile:


Diolch Kai and Deborah - now I won’t worry :grinning::+1: