Pragmatism in speaking Welsh

:sunny: I’m giving you a gold star. I also think they’ll be a turning a point… a positive one.

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Here’s the link to Menter Caerdydd’s adult activities. I quite fancy learning ukulele, actually…

[quote=“netmouse, post:40, topic:1932”]
Actually I haven’t even succeeded in finding the Welsh-speaking culture in Barry, let alone broken into it! [/quote]

To be fair to you, we’re not exactly talking about a known hotspot for Welsh language use here! I could imagine it taking a while for anyone to find their way into Welsh language communities when they’re such a small percentage of the whole, so don’t be hard on yourself.

This sounds like your most obvious chance. She’s nice, she talks to you, she talks to you in Welsh - it doesn’t matter if your kids aren’t friends. Invite her round for tea, or ask if she’d like to grab a coffee before she goes home, and see if you can get to know her well enough to say that you’d sell your left leg for the chance to spend 30 minutes every week having coffee in Welsh :sunny:

I’ve been practising the word ‘Helo’ intensively, and my vowel sounds no longer make my Welsh neighbour cry. So, now to try the stealth approach to talking to strangers, as advised by Aran. I shall now say ‘Helo’ to EVERYONE I meet in the street, and see what they reply!


Result!!! I spoke to my helpful friend after school today and she suggested that we go for a paned on Friday mornings sometimes after dropping the kids. A couple of other mums also go to Welsh lessons and said they’d like to come too! (Unfortunately it’s inset day tomorrow and half term next week, but with a bit of luck something will come of it soon.)

Thanks so much for prodding me into action! :slight_smile:


I’ve taken to responding to “Sh’mae?” with “Iawn, diolch” recently (not sure why), but I’m not sure if people are actually expecting that answer … are they? Should I normally just echo “Sh’mae”

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So your first real shot created an instant Welsh language social group - not bad! :star:

I’m feeling so smug and right and stuff. I suppose I’ve got to share some of the credit with you, though…:wink:

[Top tip: make sure your Welsh speaker never gets to buy her own tea and cakes until you’ve got back-up Welsh speakers properly trained.]

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Nope, iawn diolch is pretty much nail on head territory :star:

Iawn te , Diolch :smile:

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I think you have the right to be irritatingly smug about quite a few things actually, Aran…



[Oh, you’re for it when Catrin finds out you’ve given me permission.]


Paid a smygu yn y fforwm, plis :wink:


Da iawn Netmouse: you’re clearly a very conscientious and determined person. It wouldn’t surprise me if, the next time I’m down Porthkerry or Romilly Park, I might see posters up saying, “Netmouse for mayor”.
Actually, My Dad comes from Barry, (Glanmor crescent off Jenner Road) and he always said there was a Welsh-speaking school there.
Felly mae yn de fe.


Hehe, maybe you might be able to join us for a paned on a Friday morning one day, Nick…

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Well, I 'm usually working on a Friday but I’ll certainly bear it in mind: maybe have a day trip to Barri. Have you thought of practicing your Welsh at St Fagan’s folk museum? It’s free to get in and all of the guides (one in most of the houses) siarad Cymraeg. Nick

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Hmm, think the “maybe one day” bit is the way to go - I’ve still only a group in theory! But in the happy event that it takes off, you’d be very welcome.

I went to st fagans in the autumn with the lovely local learners group and we had fun chatting to the wardens etc. (I wasn’t complaining about them in the slightest - just expressing my disappointment that the language doesn’t seem to get used in day to day life very much round here.)

I hadn’t been following this thread, but picked it up last night while browsing. I just wanted to say a very big thank you to Netmouse for bringing up the subject and to everyone on the forum who contributed so positively. I’ve thought for a long time that lots and lots of these types of conversations should be happening but since they touch on so many sensitive things, and can so easily be derailed, the subjects seem to be shied away from more often than not.

Thanks again to Netmouse - and to repeat Nic “netmouse for mayor”!

And now for the advert: “if you have enjoyed your trip to St Fagans please take a moment to leave feedback for us on Trip Advisor” (advert over) :smile:



Iawn, will do later :slight_smile: (Love St Fagan’s!)

Diolch pawb - St Fagans is one of our regular family trips out and I had never thought about trying to speak cymraeg there. Will definately try next time :smile:

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