Positions of direct object pronouns

Could I just check something please?

In the challenges (Northern), we usually have the direct object pronoun following the verb:

  • medra i daflu fo
  • dw i isio gwneud o
  • etc

However, we also have

  • dw i isio ei newid

Are there any rules about position, or is this an emphasis thing?


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In Welsh the direct object pronouns actually come in pairs that wrap around the verb, e.g. you could write the above as:

  • medra i ei daflu fo
  • dw i isio ei (g)wneud o
  • dw i isio ei newid o

but it’s common for one or other of the pair to be dropped in everyday speech. There’s no hard and fast rule and some speakers choose one more than the other. Have fun with the variation :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Deborah!

I did wonder about whether it was the double pronoun thing, but the examples I’d noticed before were subjects of the sentence (‘mae ein plant ni…’), so I wondered if it was different for direct objects.

What you say makes perfect sense – thanks very much!

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