ust to let you know in a dedicated thread that the next meeting for The Port Talbot Learners Group is on the 5th June 6.30pm in the foyer of The Aberafon Beach Hotel. We will be attempting to make a story. One person will make a sentence (in welsh) and the next will carry it on with their own sentence.
We will also be be using Food, Animals, Countries and Colours as a topic heading and will all have to try and say something in welsh in answer to the topic.
All Welcome, come on meet us we are a very friendly bunch and the more the merrier !!! Come on practice your dysgu cymraeg.
Brawychus . Scarey
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Brawychus iawn !
gair gwych eh? Maybe an idea for our meetings? Bring a nice sounding new word…
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Meeting tonight folks Aberafon Beach Hotel foyer for 6.30pm
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Byddwn ni yno. Rwyt wedi gwneud rhestr os yw geiriau o challenges SSIW, ni allai weld faint yr ydym ( yn ei wybod ???
(we will be there. I have done a list of words from the SSIW challenges, we could see how many we know ) !!
Hefyd wedi ceisio gwneud brawddegau o’n geirfau stori newydd
(have also tried to make sentences from our new story words: