Pop-Up Gaeltacht, Old Crown Inn, Digbeth, Brum, 7pm 19/7/19

Well, yes… I’ll put a version of this in Other Languages, but I think it might be nice to have a bit of Pop-Up Celtic Union if anyone else (even without Irish) can make it. This Pop-Up is Brum’s first, and a bit of a coup (!) for the folks learning Irish at Wolverhampton’s Emerald Club who are making it happen… The Pop-Up’s don’t book the pub, so anyone can turn up… I’ve got my shirt ready:

Not sure whether Gareth from Hansh’s cousin will join me:

Or Siôn Corn…

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@Andyjone, @nia.llywelyn, @Deborah-SSi, @beca-brown, @isata anyone from Tionsnamh/Prosiect Bendigeidfran? Share, share, share on your networks, plîs, mas é do thoil é!