You’ve seen a coloured tag on someone’s post, and you’re wondering what it’s all about…
So here’s the deal…
You have to start with PINK.
If they have a PINK badge, it’s because they’ve said out loud a set of sentences they made up for themselves from a collection of prompt words - details here:
The '5 Minutes' Test **Going Pink** 💮
Once you have PINK, you can move up to RED.
If they have a RED badge, it’s because they then recorded those sentences in Welsh on SoundCloud, and then posted a link to it in the relevant thread on the forum - details here:
The '5 Minutes' Test - SoundCloud 'Sentences' recording **Pink to Red** 🔴
Once you have RED, you can push on to GREEN.
If they have a GREEN badge, it’s because they posted a QUESTION in Welsh on SoundCloud, and then posted a link to it in the relevant thread on the forum - details here:
Going GREEN - SoundCloud 'Question' recording **Red to Green** ❇
Once you have GREEN, you can step up to BLUE.
And if they have a BLUE badge, it’s because they’ve ANSWERED someone else’s question (from the Going Green thread) in Welsh, on SoundCloud, and then posted a link to it in the relevant thread on the forum - details here:
Going BLUE - SoundCloud 'Answer' recording **Green to Blue** 🔵
Please don’t post your recordings in this thread or post them in new threads as it can become confusing and difficult to keep track of progress - diolch.
And beyond this…?
You’ll find out before too long…