Personal Celebration getting through Southern Course 1 Challenge 13

Bydden well 'da fi ofyn fy chwaer.

It would be better with me to ask my sister.

Gofyn i fy…

In Welsh we ‘ask to’ someone. Not that ‘i’ is always ‘to’ or the only way of saying ‘to’. Prepositions don’t directly map from Welsh to English and some places where English use some Welsh doesn’t, and vice versa.

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Or gofyn wrth.

See much better answers!

Yes, that’ll be ‘fy chwaer’ - but in a southern accent, it may well sound more like ‘fy hwar’, with a minimal or non-existent ‘ch’ sound.

Yes, that’s right - sounds as though a switch from northern to southern wasn’t caught in the course notes… :slight_smile:

Climbs on boat with soap box.
Iestyn has an accent which tends to ignore ‘h’. I tend to view it as east valleys, but may be wrong. The following English words all sound much the same :- year, ear, here, hear.
So chwaer becomes, not hwaer but war, rhyming with English ‘far’! It is one reason I pop into @aran’s territory often!