Oxford Welsh learners group

Helo bawb - as usual, this week’s meetups are on Tuesday via Zoom & face to face/wyneb yn wyneb on Friday:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 6th February/ dydd Mawrth 6ed mis Chwefrwr ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 9th February / dydd Gwener 9fed mis Chwefrwr ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Also, check out the preceding post by Owen giving advance notice of a poetry reading involving Wales’ National Poet, Gwyneth Lewis

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir St David’s Day concert
7.30 p.m., Saturday 2 March 2024
Wesley Memorial Church, New Inn Hall Street OX1 2DH

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Helo bawb - this Tuesday marks the 62nd anniversary of Saunders Lewis’ radio broadcast "Tynged yr Iaith " (The Fate of the Language), described as a catalyst for the formation of Cymdeithas Yr Iaith/ Welsh Language Society, so why not celebrate the fact by joining our Zoom session this Tuesday :slightly_smiling_face: :

  • 12:00 Tuesday 13th February/ dydd Mawrth 13eg mis Chwefrwr ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 16th February / dydd Gwener 16eg mis Chwefrwr ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Also, check out the latest post by Owen (above) about the St David’s Day concert by :wales: Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir :wales: (NB actually on Saturday 2nd March not the 1st)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - this week our meetup in the Weston Library falls on the 65th anniversary of :wales: Y Ddraig Goch :wales: being recognised by the UK as the national flag of Wales / Baner Cymru, as good a reason as any to come and join the sgwrs (or even just listen if you prefer)! :slightly_smiling_face: The details:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 20th February/ dydd Mawrth 20ain mis Chwefrwr ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 23rd February / dydd Gwener 23ain mis Chwefrwr ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

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Helo bawb, I hope this is an appropriate post. I live in Abingdon and have ‘lurked’ here a short while. Unfortunately neither the Tuesday Zoom meetups nor the Weston library on a Friday are possible for me. Is there anyone else in Abingdon or close by who might be interested in occasional or even regular lunchtime meetups in the town - R&R perhaps? I started on Duolingo almost a year ago (i’m redoing the course), am in my second year with Dysgu Cymraeg (Sylfaen 2) and recently started SSiW AutoMagic.
Diolch yn fawr!


Welcome, @nigel-marsh.
There are two of us in Abingdon and one in Radley, so this might indeed be possible. I sometimes (not always) go to Abingdon on Mondays and occasionally could go on Tuesdays. Other days are less likely. What days would be possible for you?

Hi Nigel,
I live in Abingdon and would be happy to meet up. I’m often free Tuesday or Thursday lunchtimes if that suits you at all, or could do morning coffee some days as well. Let me know what you think.

Hello Nigel, I live in Abingdon and it would be really nice to meet you . I would be able to make Mondays, Tuesdays and also some Thursday lunchtimes. Perhaps other members of Oxford group might be able to come and join us in Abingdon too if they are free. Let us know when would suit you best. Best wishes Bethan

I’ve only just noticed after spending years in the playground at Florence Park that this mural (on the back of the loo block) shows an old-fashioned car crashing through the Welsh flag!

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Must be a car from the Morris Motorworks - not sure about the symbolism of it bursting through the Welsh flag, though - folk bursting out of Wales to work for William Morris?? . Did you notice what the various pieces of text said, by the way? I can’t make out the sign caried by a little girl or message trailed by the plane.

Hi Sue, with a bit of planning, I can usually get into the town centre most lunchtimes (a bit before 1pm to a bit after 1pm), though some Mondays are tricky, so maybe the occasional Monday or Tuesday would be good?

Hi Chris,
Thanks, Tuesdays and Thursdays are both good, though particularly Thursdays for me. Sue (@Betterlatethan ) mentioned Tuesdays as occasionally possible.

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I’d never noticed even though I’ve been past there many a time on my way to Flo’s. The plane sign seems to say “the history of florence park from its creation in 1934 to the present day” or something like that.


Helo Nigel, so pleased to hear there’s another Welsh speaker in Abingdon. Would be happy to meet up in Abingdon. Mondays best for me, Tues and Wed poss but not Thurs or Fri.

I’m free next Tuesday or Thursday (ie 27th or 29th) if either of those works.

Hi Bethan,
Thank you. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally all good, particularly Thursdays. @chris-roberts also mentioned Tuesday and Thursday, while @Betterlatethan mentioned Monday and Tuesday. So maybe Tuesday is the most possible for everyone? Perhaps try for Tuesday next week, 27th February?

Yes, the 27th would be great. Somewhere like R&R in town? 1pm?

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Sounds good :+1: We can devise a way of recognising each other nearer the time!

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That sounds fine. I should be able to make Tuesday 27th. Look forward to meeting you.


Yes 27th fine for me too. Look forward to meeting you Nigel, (I’ll be wearing a daffodil!)