Oxford Welsh learners group

Helo bawb - Tuesday this week is :ghost: Hallowe’en/nos Galan Gaeaf :ghost: - if you’re not engaged in making picau rhanna (Hallowe’en dole-cakes/soul-cakes) or fleeing the :pig: hwch ddu gwta:pig: (tailless black sow said to chase people on Hallowe’en) why not join us for the lunchtime Zoom meetup (or on Friday, of course) :slightly_smiling_face: :

  • 12:00 Tuesday 31st October / dydd Mawrth 31ain mis Hydref ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 3rd November/ dydd Gwener 3edd mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

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Helo bawb - looking ahead we’ll be having two contemporary Welsh harpists/telynoresau performing soon in Oxford: first, at 7:30pm on Friday 17th November Catrin Finch will be performing in the Sheldonian Theatre and the following week, at 7:30pm on Thurs 23rd November, Cerys Hafana will be performing in Common Ground - both something to look forward to!

Meanwhile, this week, we’re continuing with our Tuesday & Friday meetups:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 7th November/ dydd Mawrth 7fed mis Tachwedd ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 10th November/ dydd Gwener 10fed mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

Newcomers especially welcome! Do get in touch if you have any questions :slightly_smiling_face:

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - first a quick reminder

This week, meetups as usual on Tuesday & Friday:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 14th November/ dydd Mawrth 14eg mis Tachwedd ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 17th November/ dydd Gwener 17eg mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

All welcome, as always! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Ooh, I’ve seen Cerys Hafana perform a couple of times recently - once at TafĆ”yl and then in the Lleisiau Eraill festival in Aberteifi. She’s absolutely wonderful! Very highly recommended

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Helo bawb - it seems to be Welsh harp fortnight here in Oxford with Cerys Hafana playing in Common Ground this Thursday, 23rd following last Friday’s great Sheldonian Theatre gig from Catrin Finch:

Meanwhile we continue this week with our usual meetups:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 21st November/ dydd Mawrth 21ain mis Tachwedd ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 24th November/ dydd Gwener 24ain mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)

New faces particularly welcome - do get in touch if you have any questions :slightly_smiling_face:

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Just to say that I did get a ticket for this - I’ll probably get a bagel in G&D’s and then go in early doors. I don’t know Harry’s username on here to @ him, but if you’re reading this, I’ll see you there! @nia.llywelyn - mi wna i ddweud helo, os ga i gyfle :slight_smile:

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It’s @harry-morgan

Diolch! Depending on his settings, that’s probably pinged him :slight_smile:

Helo bawb - winter and December / mis Rhagfyr seem to be arriving hand in hand here in Oxford this week with the forecast for later this week and next talking of sleet :cold_face:.
Putting all that to one side there’s a bit of a change to meetups this week as on Friday ten of us will be enjoying the group’s Cinio Nadolig. For those not joining us on Friday there’s still the possibility of meeting up in the Weston LIbrary, but do please post a message here if you’re planning to do this to make sure you wojn’t be the only one there. :slightly_smiling_face:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 28th November / dydd Mawrth 28ain mis Tachwedd ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 1st December / dydd Gwener 1af mis Rhagfyr ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe :warning: see note above re Cinio Nadolig :warning:)

Hwyl a chadw’n saff
PS In Cymraeg we’re spoilt for choice - for ‘sleet’ the GPC gives: dĆ”r glas / eirlaw /glaw eira / glaweir / odlaw / slap / slot / llifeirlaw; and for ‘to sleet’: odaf / odlawio

@johnwilliams_6 eirlaw fydda i’n dweud :grinning: ( gair cyfansawdd / compound word eira & glaw)

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Helo bawb - after last Friday’s Cinio Nadolig which was enjoyed by eleven of us, we’re back to the usual pattern for this week’s meetups:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 5th December / dydd Mawrth 5ed mis Rhagfyr ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 8th December / dydd Gwener 8fed mis Rhagfyr ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe )

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

Helo bawb - with Christmas fast approaching this week’s meetups may, depending on people’s wishes, be our last before the New Year:

  • 12:00 Tuesday 12th December / dydd Mawrth 12eg mis Rhagfyr ( via image - do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
  • 12:00 Friday 15th December / dydd Gwener 15fed mis Rhagfyr ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe )

Hwyl a chadw’n saff

I need to do some food shopping in Oxford on Friday 22 Dec, so I could be at the Weston if anyone else is interested.


I can make it that day as well Sue.

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Excellent. Any more?


Yes, I can certainly be there :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry everyone, I shall not be there today. I have a nasty cold and can’t speak in any language. I am still planning to be there next week.

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Oh, bad luck, Sue - hope you’ll be feeling much better soon

Sorry to hear that Sue. I can’t make it either this week but I hope to see you next Friday.

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Sorry to hear about your cold Sue. Hope you will feel better soon.