… and the next day (Saturday 21 October) you can hear the Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir at the Sheldonian!
Oh dear… that’s the link the Common Ground Café guy sent me!
Helo bawb - back now from with apologies for my ‘radio silence’. Here’s the info about this week’s meetups:
12:00 Tuesday 10th October / dydd Mawrth 10fed mis Hydref ( via
- do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
- 12:00 Friday 13th October / dydd Gwener 13eg mis Hydref ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)
All welcome, as always, especially newcomers - do get in touch if you’ve any questions
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - head to https://en.forum.saysomethingin.com/t/oxford-walks/7540/671 for info about a walk+sgwrs on Sunday 29th Oct
Helo bawb - here are the meetup details for this week:
12:00 Tuesday 17th October / dydd Mawrth 17eg mis Hydref ( via
- do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
- 12:00 Friday 20th October / dydd Gwener 20fed mis Hydref ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)
Also, don’t forget we have a walk+sgwrs on Sunday 29th Oct For the details head to the Oxford walks thread
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - it’s the last week of British Summer Time this week, although summer itself sadly feels long gone. Why not put that all out of your mind, though, & join us for one of this week’s meetups?
12:00 Tuesday 24th October / dydd Mawrth 24ain mis Hydref ( via
- do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
- 12:00 Friday 27th October / dydd Gwener 27ain mis Hydref ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)
Also, today’s walk+sgwrs has been postponed until next weekend. Keep an eye on the Oxford walks thread for details
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Hope you all enjoyed the male voice choir on Saturday! More Welsh-language music in Oxford next month with a triple harpist playing songs from the collections in the Llyfrgell Genedlaethol:
Cerys Hafana, Thursday 23 November, Common Ground
I know Cerys Havana very well since she was a young girl. If you intend going tell her that I said helo, she’ll be more than pleased to speak welsh to you @owen-mcknight
@Betterlatethan i just got very excited. Is this you? My mum is staying this week and she is reading “Gêm Beryglus”
Yes, that’s me. Before the first books in the series were published, there was an invitation on the forum for people to apply to review a book online before it appeared in print. I applied, and I reviewed this one. I am ridiculously proud of having my review printed on the back.
And so you should be Sue. It’s so cool!
Helo bawb - Tuesday this week is Hallowe’en/nos Galan Gaeaf
- if you’re not engaged in making picau rhanna (Hallowe’en dole-cakes/soul-cakes) or fleeing the
hwch ddu gwta
(tailless black sow said to chase people on Hallowe’en) why not join us for the lunchtime Zoom meetup (or on Friday, of course)
12:00 Tuesday 31st October / dydd Mawrth 31ain mis Hydref ( via
- do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
- 12:00 Friday 3rd November/ dydd Gwener 3edd mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - looking ahead we’ll be having two contemporary Welsh harpists/telynoresau performing soon in Oxford: first, at 7:30pm on Friday 17th November Catrin Finch will be performing in the Sheldonian Theatre and the following week, at 7:30pm on Thurs 23rd November, Cerys Hafana will be performing in Common Ground - both something to look forward to!
Meanwhile, this week, we’re continuing with our Tuesday & Friday meetups:
12:00 Tuesday 7th November/ dydd Mawrth 7fed mis Tachwedd ( via
- do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
- 12:00 Friday 10th November/ dydd Gwener 10fed mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)
Newcomers especially welcome! Do get in touch if you have any questions
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Helo bawb - first a quick reminder…
This week, meetups as usual on Tuesday & Friday:
12:00 Tuesday 14th November/ dydd Mawrth 14eg mis Tachwedd ( via
- do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
- 12:00 Friday 17th November/ dydd Gwener 17eg mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)
All welcome, as always!
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Ooh, I’ve seen Cerys Hafana perform a couple of times recently - once at Tafŵyl and then in the Lleisiau Eraill festival in Aberteifi. She’s absolutely wonderful! Very highly recommended…
Helo bawb - it seems to be Welsh harp fortnight here in Oxford with Cerys Hafana playing in Common Ground this Thursday, 23rd following last Friday’s great Sheldonian Theatre gig from Catrin Finch:
Meanwhile we continue this week with our usual meetups:
12:00 Tuesday 21st November/ dydd Mawrth 21ain mis Tachwedd ( via
- do get in touch for login details if you’d like to join in )
- 12:00 Friday 24th November/ dydd Gwener 24ain mis Tachwedd ( ‘Space for Reading’, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford - inside entrance hall to the right, next to windows & opp. side from the excellent cafe)
New faces particularly welcome - do get in touch if you have any questions
Hwyl a chadw’n saff
Just to say that I did get a ticket for this - I’ll probably get a bagel in G&D’s and then go in early doors. I don’t know Harry’s username on here to @ him, but if you’re reading this, I’ll see you there! @nia.llywelyn - mi wna i ddweud helo, os ga i gyfle