Do you remember back at the beginning of the first lockdown, when we received the sad news that the Welsh National Eisteddfod would have to be postponed for 2020?
Well the team at the Eisteddfod didn’t disappoint. They pulled together all their resources, creativity and partners to provide alternative Eisteddfod content to all their followers.
They called this Eisteddfod AmGen (amgen being Welsh for alternative). Via their website, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter we were able to enjoy fabulous creative, cultural content from the comfort and safety of our homes.
Well as a special Christmas 2020 treat, AmGen is back! Following an advent theme, there will be more creative, cultural content for us to enjoy during these dark cold winter days leading up to Christmas.
Eisteddfod Adfent AmGen
Here’s a word from the organisers…
"We’ll be inviting everyone to step into the world of Adfent AmGen – a month of Christmas treats, organised by the National Eisteddfod.
So close the front door and relax, as we discover that magical ‘hygge’ feeling, so popular nowadays, together.
If you enjoyed our sessions earlier this year, you’ll be pleased to know that Adfent AmGen is a similar mix of sessions – a few songs, discussions, plenty of literature and a lots of festive fun.
Betsan Moses , Eisteddfod Chief Executive, said, "It’s difficult to think about Christmas at the moment, but we all need to try and do our best to enjoy and have fun over the next few weeks. I hope our Adfent AmGen programme will appeal to people and help to pass some of the long winter evenings during December.
The weeks up to Christmas are usually a chance to socialise, and this year we’ll have to continue socialising in the new and different way. Hopefully, Adfent AmGen will bring a little bit of Christmas cheer with a wide range of events and activities up until the big day. Some things will be quite traditional, and we hope everyone will find something they’ll enjoy as part of the programme."
To enjoy all that the Eisteddfod’s Advent Amgen has to offer, click on this link - Adfent AmGen Sessions | National Eisteddfod
To keep an eye on everything on their YouTube channel click here -
Here’s where to find them on Facebook - Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru
Here’s where ti find them on Twitter -