Revising the Old Course, I thought I’d transcribe Challenge L2C24 (Northern) to strip out the English sentences to act as an aide memoire. On a whim I ran the lesson through one of those new fangled AI transcription thingies.
I think we’ve found a new art form:
No, we don’t accept that.
Knackered then.
Danny Dement been sometimes.
There’s a need to accept
That you have to behave better, Maya Enterpen.
Harvey on Waze?
I understand your answer, so I have to accept it.Twin the fashion twinkle fat Pino godfather
She’s got the right not to accept that.
Gandhi Holi Pina.
It’s important that you plural.
Except the answer, sick.I hear that he’s going to accept the answer Twinkle Watford?
Wait for Tom Mindy that been a rat up the Welford.
I was expecting her to watch carefully.
Honey, this girl, he will.
Alice, I need the school!
Try messy coffee poorer than disco.
Fat Pino Godfather is the name of my new novel.