Old Course 3

Am doing lesson 13 of Old Course 3.
At 15.24 statement in English is “No, I finished it’.
For the life of me I cannot understand the Welsh version which follows.
Clarification would be much appreciated.

The Welsh there is “Naci, dwi 'di cwpla fe”

Actually it’s “Na chei, dw i 'di cwpla fe” in answer to the previous question - “Ga i fwy o fara?”

Many thanks Siaron and Deborah,
I presume that the (‘di) you mention is a shortened form of ‘wedi’ so the answer is actually ‘I have finished it’ ? Have not heard this before this lesson.
Why is it not ‘wnes i ei gwpla fe’ which I think I am spelling correctly and would pronounce ‘nace e e gupla vuh’ ?
Finally why ‘cwpla’ rather than ‘gorffen’?
Sorry for the bother but all suggestions/corrections/comments much appreciated.

Re “I finished” - the choice of tense in Welsh doesn’t always match up 1:1 with the choice in English, but it usually does - so I would just wonder if you’re 100% certain it’s “I finished” and not “I’ve finished”. I find it pretty much impossible to hear the difference, even though it’s clear in writing - compare “It stopped raining” with “It’s stopped raining” for another similar example.

Just that cwpla tends to be the more common word in the South. There’s no reason why you couldn’t put gorffen in there instead.

Diolch Richard,
You are probably right and I am hearing the ‘I’ve’ as ‘I’.
Think I was thrown by the shortening of ‘wedi’ to ‘di’ or I might have thought of this sooner.
Thank you.

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Many thanks Siaron,
That makes sense to me now,

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