Now LIVE: 'Some Sex and a Hill - or How To Learn Welsh in 3 Easy Pints' by Aran Jones

That was such a heartening thing to read!
@aran. you see, by teaching Karla, you have not only taught her Cymraeg, but have helped a US citizen to see languages other than American as of value and also have given Karla the pleasure of that experience!! If only more people in UK, and especially in Wales would learn what that lady learned and also actually value cultures they have not experienced.


Iā€™ll be able to fix that when we get to the book about moving SSi Towers to Carmel - one open gate and 15 sheep in the garden on the first nightā€¦:wink:

Good point, but Iā€™m fairly sure sheā€™s an Australian citizenā€¦:wink:


She is.:slight_smile:

And only 14 left the garden the following day ā€¦


Diolch! Thatā€™s more like it, looks a bit daggy thošŸ˜€

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Who says thatā€™s a bad thing?:grinning:

Iā€™m glad you enjoyed reading that, @henddraig - it certainly made me smile when it happened. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sorry Iā€™d forgotten you were Aussie., not US!! So it was an Australian who learned. I hate to generalise, she says, before doing just that, and I donā€™t want to insult anyone, but I get the idea USA citizens are, if anything, rather less likely to learn any other language than UK or Aussie, which is why I was so struck by your story!

Trust me, there are plenty of ignorant monoglots here tooā€¦I come into contact with them almost daily!

I did remember, but only just!

I expected @aran to post this but itā€™s all quiet. No news from the SSiW HQ so I dare to add this hilarious thingy in here as you all might not follow things on FB.

Yes, Aran recorded a top notch narated video as presentation/commercial for his book and I find it extreamly great! If the whole book would be narated like this Iā€™d surely have no objections and if offered in Audibl even better. :slight_smile:

Have a look/listen to the video and if you didnā€™t buy the book yet, rush to buy it. :slight_smile: (links in quite some posts in this thread :slight_smile: .

I hope this link works and you would not need to be a FB user to see it. Iā€™ve tested the link with the browser I do not use otherwise and was not logged into FB and it worked just fine.

Happy listening and have fun!


Thanks for posting that, @tatjana! I am not a Facebook user and I could see it just fine.

Iā€™m with Tatjana - we WANT an audio version of the whole book! :slight_smile:


Itā€™s just so COLD in the room where the recording has to happen! Which is a large part of why Iā€™m so shamefully behind with the Growth Club stuffā€¦ :head_bandage:

But Iā€™m not opposed to the idea of an audio version - I think I might quite enjoy doing it, once I figure out the technical side of it. Maybe if we survive the winter?.. :wink:


Maybe you should make sure it comes to Wonderync which merges Kindle book with Audibl naration which is awesome as you can read and listen to the book synchronizingly at once. Iā€™ll make a screenshot how it looks like later on.

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@aran, I hope you can get your heating figured out soon - I hate to think of you and your family freezing all winter!

@tatjana I donā€™t know if the name is different in different countries, but here in the US itā€™s called Whispersync. And I agree, it is a great feature!

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It makes morning walks particularly refreshing and beautifulā€¦ :slight_smile:

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Ah, ja. It is Whispersync. Iā€™ve formed the message quickly at work and just obviously couldnā€™t remember the name entirely correctly. Itā€™s brilliant thing and if you buy Kindle through Amazon if Whispersync naration is available it offers you in complete with the Kindle book for discounted price. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve just said to my husband itā€™s pity we donā€™t live closer. That way he could drop by and might figure out whatā€™s wrong. Hope the things get settled soon and youā€™d enjoy your winter in warm home.


Iā€™ve never noticed that before. I wonder if anyone knows if itā€™s available on any Welsh books?

Well, I believe Aran would be the first to have Cymraeg naration synced with the book if oyu ask me. Letā€™s see. Nope, didnā€™t find any. You can find some Welsh books separately for Kindle and Audibl but not Whispersync.


3 of the 4 radiators on the ground floor have just started working! Itā€™s like a tropical paradise here nowā€¦ :slight_smile: