Now LIVE: 'Some Sex and a Hill - or How To Learn Welsh in 3 Easy Pints' by Aran Jones

You are a Welsh speaker when you can enjoy having a conversation in Welsh with Welsh speakers.

This might be an evening out in the pub, in a cafe, over the fence with a neighbour, whatever.

But when you can enjoy having the conversation, and feel it took place in Welsh, you are a Welsh speaker, whatever exams or anything else might say.

You are the final arbiter of this- but if you enjoy the conversation, and feel the conversation took place in Welsh - you are a Welsh speaker.


Thanks everyone. Guess i’ll have to admit defeat.

Siaradwr cymraeg ydw i. Iawn?


Defeat? what i am talking about?

Enillwr hefyd. Dwi’n medru siarad yr iaith!


I wish I could post more than one :heart: :heart:

To @aran

n.b. I have a bone to pick with you, oh, sneaky teacher!! There, at the end of your book, Cymraeg in black and white!! And I gazed at it and remembered reading books in Cymraeg when I doubt your Dad even contemplated a girlfriend, never mind you - and I put the kindle to sleep for a bit to improve my chances of re-learning enough to understand it!!


OH! FINALLY!!! :smile:

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Amazon only charged me ÂŁ2.99 today, Wednesday

Then you’ve timed it between the update and Amazon implementing the update - impressive…:wink:

Thank you so much for your kind words, Anne, which mean a great deal to me - and it’s great to hear that SSiW has helped you push on! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

And diolch yn fawr iawn to Millie, Anne and Adrian for your lovely reviews… :star: :star2: :heart:

And thank you very much indeed to Liz @elizabeth_jane and M. Werdermann for the first two reviews on the US site - and particularly kind ones they were too… :star: :star2: :heart:

I frequently do that- but certainly consider myself a speaker!
It is perfectly alright to switch to English to explain a point or make something clear if that’s the way the conversation goes, along with your vocabulary and the person you are speaking to. None should think they stay a learner because they do that. :blush:


And huge thanks to B A Van Rose and S E Carey (and another ‘Amazon Customer’)… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :star:

I haven’t read the last chapter yet - mostly because I was reading on the bus and the fact it’s in Welsh felt like so much of a vicarious triumph that I had Something In My Eye and had to put it away for fear of public embarrassment.


I have just downloaded the book for yesterday’s price of £2.99 . I am currently on holiday in sunny Blackpool and am sitting outside with a pint watching the world go by . A perfect place to start on the book . I can hear a family chatting in Cymraeg a few tables away from me which is nice to hear


hope you’re going to join in :slight_smile:

As I said. The words we use about ourselves are Really Important.

I don’t mean to be hostile to anyone, wherever they are on their language journey, But, in my experience, too many people call themselves a learner for far longer than is necessary or true. And in doing so they diminish their own achievements and do themselves down.

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I certainly know that with Welsh, in Wales, people seem reluctant to say they are able to speak Welsh, whereas someone who can speak French or Spanish to a far lesser degree (sometimes the same person!) would be happy to describe themselves as able to speak French or Spanish.
To be honest, I’ve lost a lot of interest in defining what a “Welsh speaker” actually is, as I’ve learned the language.
A very few people (if any) in Wales can’t speak any Welsh, there are people who can speak as much Welsh as anyone can any other language, and in between there are a load of others.
Arbitrary lines aren’t much use to individuals - personal goals and enjoying using the language are.


To post Customer Reviews or Customer Answers, post on Customer Discussion Forums, or submit content to followers, you must have spent at least $50 on using a valid credit or debit card.

Oh… So I just spent half an hour writing a review and an hour trying to gather up the courage to press submit, finally pressed submit and then read this… :’) Oh well

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Someone in need of a Skype partner? :wink:

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I didn’t know about that limitation. (Wonder if it’s the same on all Amazon sites).
They should have done the check at the point where you clicked to start writing the review.
How annoying of them. :frowning:

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