Northern Luxury Bootcamp - 17th to 24th April 2015

I was also excited to see Aran’s email a couple of days ago! I think another week on Pen Llyn will be just what I need by April. Have to sort through other commitments quickly before Weds lunchtime!

Will there be cake to welcome us? Im not coming unless there’s cake to welcome us.


Catrin, are you there?

I said, will there be cake to welcome us?

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Yes, I can confirm that Catrin is still alive and breathing. So I think you can work the rest of it out for yourself.

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I don’t know if I’ve missed the boat already but would really like to be considered.

The booking form’s going up tomorrow, Sam.

Aran says he’s posting at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon everyone. You’ll need to be quick to secure a place I’m guessing…

And of course, be lucky to receive the email fast. Not all emails arrive at the same time…

This is true, but Aweber’s deliverability seems to be pretty good on the whole, and I don’t think we’ve got to the stage yet where fifteen minutes is going to make the difference - I hope not, anyway!

I know I might have missed something here but where exactly are Gadlas and Deri Llyn?

Great! Fingers on buzzers…

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likio fi I ddod, bydda I yn lle efo ddim Wi-Fi yfory, ga I tecstio, a llenwi ffurfflen yn diweddarach?

annwyl aran , bydda I yn lle efo dim Wi-Fi yfory, ga I ateb efo tecstio, a llennwi ffurfflen yn diweddarach?
Robert mabbott

S’mae Robert - sorry, just seen this - I’m really sorry, but I can’t see how it would work out - I’d have to give my personal mobile number out (which I’m not keen to do) and I’d have to put it in the email as well (to be fair) which I’m even less keen to do.

I’m sorry that we haven’t yet got to the stage where we have enough technical flexibility to offer a variety of options for stuff like this - it’s tough when it puts someone like you in such a tricky position - but I’m afraid that we’ve learnt over the last few years that it’s really important for us to keep organisational stuff as simple as possible while we’re still operating with just 2 full time members of staff.

Just writing the email now… :sunny:

Had an internet outage earlier, which gave me a bit of a scare - here’s hoping our connection stays good for the next 55 minutes!

So, we just need our internet connection to hold up for another 20 minutes and I can hit ‘Send’… :sunny:

It’s belatedly dawned on me that I should have promised to post the booking link in here 5 minutes before sending the email - to encourage more people to come and visit the forum. Oh well, maybe next year!

Would it be wicked to send it 3 minutes early?

My fingers are itching.

Vaughan is trying to find a decent wifi signal wandering around Minehead–so please don’t!!


Here’s hoping my mobile internet connection holds in a tiny little village