Hi there. Ive noticed the website was out for some maintenance yesterday. Since then i have issues when stoping the challenges - it looses the sound for about 30 seconds so it takes ages if i want to hear sth again or write sth down and i stop the recording. I have to go back about a minute each time i stop it. Was it done on purpose? Its very annoying.
Helo @kate-88, sorry to hear you’re having this issue. It definitely wasn’t done on purpose.
@Kinetic do you know what’s happening here?
No idea off the top of my head I’m afraid - what are you using to listen? Are you using AutoMagic, or the embedded players on the older site, or an app, or something else? If I can manage to recreate the problem it’d help me figure it out, however it could also be a coincidental issue with your device or internet connection. Does switching to a different device or connection help, if you have more than one available?
Its on challenges. Auto magic is ok. I use my laptop. Tried to restart it but it doesnt make any difference. My connection is ok. Never had any issues before the update.
Does it help if you download the Challenge? There is a little download arrow to the left of the online player, or if you go to ‘Learn’ then ‘Challenges’ on the website, you can download them there.