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Hi , I notice that the old course (Spanish) has a list of the vocabulary with each lesson. Is there any way of accessing the vocabulary with the new course? Gracias.

Hola @ingridjukes, at the moment we don’t have the vocabulary in the new app, but it is an enhancement that we’re considering for the future.

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Thankyou! Also, how many levels are there in the new course? And do you know what sort of level of Spanish you would be at after completing it? Eg A1, B2 etc?

Also, I did the free trial for a few days and have now subscribed. With the automagic, how do I go back a belt? I pressed skip thinking it would skip a lesson but it skipped me all the way to the next belt and I can’t figure out how to get back to the beginning?

It’s a little hard to say as we don’t follow the usual curriculum, but as an example - after completing 2 levels of the old Spanish course, one learner went on holiday to Spain and spoke just Spanish while she was there. She managed extremely well. Her progress is recorded here: How it started and how it’s going

The ‘Skip’ functionality doesn’t take belts into account, but sometimes it does take you past a belt threshold. To go back, just click ‘Revisit’ a few times and you’ll get more practice of earlier material.

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