Congratulations on the new app, it’s great but I have a few questions and niggles.
I had been using the SaySomething web app for over a year and had reached the end of level 2 (equivalent to old format ) a few months ago and began using the older course level 3 recordings to advance as level 3 content wasn’t present at the time.
I did occasionally use the web app to see if the content was updated. Then about a month ago some level 3 content began to appear but unfortunately the new vocab words were not introduced by the host.
I am now trying to use the new iOS app on iPhone 12, iOS 18.0.1 and though my level is brown black stripe the content given is around end of level 1. I’ve spent about 20 mins skipping content but still nowhere near level 3 vocab. Is there an easier way to advance the content?
Also previously the web app allowed you to adjust speed and repetition, I used to switch between the top two levels depending on what else I was doing whilst learning and the content presently on the new app seems a little slow in terms of pace. Any plans to introduce adjustable levels in the new app?
Finally does the database now contain a significant amount of level 3 vocab?
Overall learning with SSiW has been my most enjoyable experience in learning a languages, something I thought I just wasn’t good at - it seem I just wasn’t being taught right.
Sorry for such a long post, thanks for your time.