New language learning app

Kickstarter’s most successful app - this language learning one. Seems that the developer is interested in finding the best ways to accelerate language learning, so I thought it would interest many people here :slight_smile:


Well, I’ve watched the thingy on KickStarter and what actually came to my mind is that SSi has to be very fast if we don’t want to find out that we’re already too late and someone else “overrided” us.

Well, but it’s just my thought and of course you don’t need to agree with me at all.


There’s some good memory stuff in there, but the ‘pictures only’ stuff is, I think, going in the wrong direction…


I can agree with this. Rosetta Stone (at least what I’ve seen when my son learnt Japanese with it) had similar “pictures only” approach and it didn’t suit me at all. If pictures are small I have bad picture recognition (not just faces but lately whatever is on the pictures) so I couldn’t learn much.

But with said above in previous post I didn’t aim just to this particular KickStarter but more in general. One could put similar stuff to ours on the market and we might find (well with we I mean SSi of course) ourselves empty-handed, what I really wouldn’t like to happen.

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I’m not sure about the picture idea, but I do find that if I learn a word ‘directly’ in Welsh - without it having been translated from English, I remember it better. (Mind you, it doesn’t happen often, so it’s not a very well tested theory!)


“I do find that if I learn a word ‘directly’ in Welsh - without it having been translated from English, I remember it better.”

Yes, me too, now you mention it! I remember lots of stuff from Welsh road signs … paid yfed a gyrru etc :smile:

I wonder why that is … I suppose it might or might not support this picture-based method. It could just be that, typically, when we learn words that way, they’re ones we’re actually looking for in that context, so the context helps support the learning.


It’s possible… :slight_smile: There’s not really much we can do about it - if it happens, it happens - all we can do is carry on working to build as much as we can build… :slight_smile:

I think usually, when we get a word from context without needing translation (which is such a lovely and encouraging step!) we’ve had (consciously or not) multiple exposures to it in different contexts, which helps with the deduction (and makes it a more complicated comparison)… :slight_smile:


Yes, that’s the point … as much as we can as fast as we can.

Seing things on the market, learning languages development is becomming a race unfortunately.

In some ways, perhaps - but in others, maybe not so much. I’m not sure there are many people out there trying to build software that will do what we want the SSiBorg to do - so even if we can’t get a real foothold in the biggest languages, I’m sure we’ll be able to make some genuinely valuable contributions to hundreds, or thousands, of smaller languages… :slight_smile:


I should agree about this.

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