(New) C1 Lesson 19

Just wondering, is there a substantial difference between:
Wnes i ddim gwneud unrhywbeth diddorol, and
Wnes i ddim gwneud dim byd diddorol
( which was my initial response)?


I just finished going through the new lesson 19 (north) and ‘Dw i angen ymlacio am dipyn’

But I do have one question that’s really about hearing. Aran tells us that “ON Saturday” is “ddydd Sadwrn” but to my ear, Catrin always says “dydd Sadwrn” in those cases. Is it a regional thing?

Nope, just a ‘hey, people are sloppy’ kind of thing - technically, on a specific Saturday is ‘ddydd Sadwrn’ and on Saturdays in general is ‘dydd Sadwrn’ - but I’ve only learnt that from hearing Iestyn explain it dozens of times, and I wouldn’t be in the least surprised to find out that plenty of first language speakers would be thoroughly unconcerned about/unaware of the difference…:wink:

Oh, I thought it was the other way round. Oops!

Oh, I thought it was the other way round. Oops!

If it turns out that I’ve been listening to Iestyn the wrong way round all those dozen of times, I shall probably delete this thread, change my name and move to a different country…:wink:

Well I can’t remember where I got that from :-(.

Looking in my grammar book, it seems they can both mutate depending on what they come after. Particular days definitely mutate. Also, if you go somewhere every Monday, eg Welsh classes, then that’s ar ddydd Llun - that’s what I was thinking of. I guess that if you were going to an extra one-off Welsh class on Tuesday, it would be ar dydd Mawrth.

But by next Friday is erbyn dydd Gwener, even though it’s a specific Friday.

Anyway, now I have been to bootcamp, I will just say what comes into my head first, mutated or not!

Aran - No leaving the country that quickly;-)!

Aran - No leaving the country that quickly;-)!

You’ve already got me looking anxiously at Hotels.com…:wink:

What’s the worse that could happen? I say I am visiting my mum ‘ar ddydd Sadwrn’ and the other person gives me undeserved praise and replies incredulously, ‘What you do a 400 mile round trip to see your mum every Saturday? You are so kind!’.

Devious use of mutations to mislead…

Oh good, I’ve found a nice little place in Morocco I can stay in for a while…:slight_smile:

[‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ is about the best possible motto for a language learner…:seren:]

I’m pretty sure that in one of your lessons somewhere Aran, you say that, e.e. dydd Llun is Monday and ar ddydd Llun is on Mondays.

I hear that Morocco is lovely this time of year. :wink:

I’m banking on nobody noticing if I get it wrong…



From listening to Radio Cymru it seems to me that some speakers seem to have a somewhat softer ‘d’ than we use in english. Like it is made with the tongue more forward, and almost sounding halfway to ‘dd’ Maybe that’s what you do when you aren’t sure whether to mutate or not!

An old thread, but was looking for clarification on the points Louis and others had made re dim byd and unrhywbeth (the answer to that is pretty much covered here thanks) - also I wondered about wnes i ddim gwneud versus simply wnes i ddim - the second gwneud makes sense in an English translation i did not do, and seems like it’s needed for wnes i ddim gwneud e, but wouldn’t wnes i ddim suffice generally and mo forms like wnes i mohono fe in other cases?. I’m just thinking by analogy with cael then it would be cha i ddim, but not cha i ddim cael (wouldn’t it?).

Is it just different options and styles, which are interchangeable or are there technically correct and incorrect forms of these things?

In practice, absolutely this. You will hear purists complaining about redundancies, but in terms of the spoken language this is all a matter of style.

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Thanks Aran,

I realise I’m overanalysing a little bit, but it reminded me of something I used to do with cael. I was conscious that at school we seemed to start with learning the usual things like ga’i fynd i’r ty bach and then when we had proper lessons, we all ended up saying gaf i cael for other things (I don’t know if we were ever taught do that or simply got confused and were never corrected), so I was actually pleased when I was eventually corrected on that one, because when the penny dropped it all suddenly made more sense.

I had the same sort dejau-vu feeling wihen I thought about wnes i gwneud.and needed reassurance.that none of the forms were particularly odd in any way.

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Nothing uncommon about hearing that in primary schools… :sunny:

Yes, worry not, you’re absolutely on the right lines.

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I’ll overanlyse no more on this one then.

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