National Eisteddfod 2019 Caravan Site Sold Out

Spaces went on sale at 10am this morning. I just went to buy mine and it seems they sold out just after mid day.

No idea what I’m going to do now. :frowning:

I’ve heard they’ve got extra fields on back up. A similar thing happened in Ynys Mon and there were extra fields offered. Either hang on for that or check out commercial caravan sites nearby?

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Diolch for the suggestion. I tried that yesterday afternoon and couldn’t get through to any. One site’s web site had crashed though demand from panicked people like me!
I think I’m going to wait to see what Cymdeithas have to offer. We stayed on their site at the Meifod Eisteddfod and it was good fun, if a little distant from the main action.

Cymdeithas field is a good idea, just get in there quick!! Pob lwc!

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Yay for national treasure MSR!


Wow! Yey indeed!!!

If you’re considering a cottage, we have just one left in Eisteddfod week (Friday to Friday). The cottage is in a farm setting and all other cottages have been let to people attending the Eisteddfod so… plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the language!


I asked the question about a Cymdeithas campsite yesterday at the Cell Abertawe meeting and the answer was that they hoped to get details out soon soon.

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Oh great, thanks! We don’t have a local cell. Well, we do, but it meets at Can Offis, which might as well be on the far side of the moon on a weeknight. No, that doesn’t mean I’m going to start my own cell, or a Yes Cymru group, or any of the other stuff I’d like to do but don’t have time for. :wink:

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