Hola soy Chris pero mas amigos llamarme downsey. estudio espanol con a Aron desde hace approxamente tres dias. Estoy muy feliz con loque estoy aprender. Gracias a Aron.
Great to have you on the forum, Downsey, and hugely impressive to hear what a flyer you’ve got off to…
Lo siento Aran Yo deletrear su nombre incorrecto en mi anterior mensaje.
I hope the above makes sense to you
I’ve understood everything you’ve said in Spanish so far, Downsey, so you’re doing great! [And I’m very familiar with people finding different ways to spell my name - the only place it gets the right spelling every time is Llanuwchllyn, which is just underneath the mountain I’m named after…;-)]
Gracias a Aran tu eres muy amable
Acabo de terminar dia cuatro de bobsled run, Fue duro pero fue muy divertido
Enhorabuena de nuevo!
Tengo terminar dia cinco de Bobsled run. Que haces ahora. puedo empezar desde dia uno estar mejorar?
lo estaba fantastico. gracias a todos
Sounds as though you’ve done superbly! I certainly wouldn’t recommend you starting from the beginning again - keep pushing on with new sessions for as long as you can manage, and you’ll get further, faster.
You can send vouchers to your friends to get access to more lessons, or pay - but hold on from paying just now, because we’re setting up a new, lower price for people buying 10 or more sessions…
Or alternatively you can get the whole first course for £19 if you log in and click here:
That’s meant to be a one-time sign-up offer, but I’m happy for anyone who’s serious enough to come and ask for help on the forum to see it again