Moyn vs Eiseau

Probably a dumb question here. But I was wondering…… As I go through the challenges, I’m on Level 2 #12, when saying…”They Wanted”… the lesson says ….o’n nhw’n moyn. But I also hear and see it as…roedden nhw eisiau. Now my family is from Swansea. Which is the best way or the most common way to say”They Wanted” A confused Welshman from Colorado Springs, CO

If your family is from Swansea and speak southern dialect, moyn is the regionally appropriate form that is used in SSiW’s southern material. eisiau (usually pronounced as isho) is the corresponding northern word.

And while roedden nhw is the grammatically correct form, I’d say that in normal colloquial speech this would usually get shortened to (r)o’n nhw, regardless of region.

Hendrik has explained the “why” beautifully. I would just add: don’t worry if you use a different form from the one on the recording. I went through the whole of the South course saying “eisiau” where Iestyn says “moyn”, because that was what I was used to (married to someone from north Wales but living in Cardiff!) No one is testing you, or giving you marks. If you’re confident you’re right-but-different then just press on :slight_smile:

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Regarding moyn and eisiau, can i make a general point about these words and other words in south, north and other Welsh dialects. Many ‘new’ Welsh speakers here in South Wales use either ‘eisiau’ or ‘moyn’ (for example) because that’s what they’ve been by tutors or in school. In my area (s.e.Wales) in our coffee morning groups, are first language speakers from most parts of Wales and we hear many variations in vocabulary (including first language Gwenhwyseg speakers), pyrnu, canddo, ‘Cerdydd’
‘Cerffili’ and unusual words from the Aman valley, Cardigan and beyond. Whether a ‘new speaker’ in south Wales uses moyn or eisiau doesn’t really matter as local people i know use both. Also teachers in local Welsh medium schools (lots here) are from all parts of Wales so children use and speak a mixed vocabulary. So moyn eisiau nawr rwan addo gaddo lots of choice.