
Hi, just finished level 2, revisiting some of it without the pause button. But I had great plans for my son’s welsh speaking wedding, for using welsh much more over the summer at my caravan in Aber, and getting myself on a bwt camp. Whilst my sylfaen class is still supporting us on line, it’s hard to keep the motivation up and to practice spoken welsh. Ideas??


Practising speaking Welsh is something we can definitely help with!
We have a Welsh Speaking Practice group on Slack and there are speakers and learners of all abilities all over the world to chat with - either on one-to-one calls, or in group chats/hangouts.
To join, just send an email to with WSP in the title and they’ll send you an invite.

Motivation is also something we can help with - any questions, any difficulties, or any breakthroughs or indeed pretty much everything - there are always people here in the forum to help you :slight_smile:


Yes, hopefully encouraging at these times - the silver lining is that’s there’s loads of stuff that has suddenly appeared on line. Try to follow or join as much as you can via Facebook, Twitter or websites. : stuff like Menter Iaith live links (any region), BBC, S4C, video sessions (SSiW), also singers doing home gigs on line often with bilingual chat between the songs, etc, etc. Enjoy and lift your spirits.

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We have found ourselves self isolating in Wales, and I have arranged to have a daily chat on FaceTime with my neighbour. Normally we live in London and despite my efforts, I have not yet found a Welsh speaker to chat with daily. So my Welsh has benefitted enormously from the lockdown, and the combination of S SiW and the daily chat makes me feel I am progressing at last!

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