Mo in negative sentences

Bore da! I’ve just come across this sentence ‘Weles I mo’r rhaglen teledu neithiwr’ with mo ( and lots of various forms) as the negative! but I’ve never come across it before, is it in common usage ( in North Wales), should I worry about it?! (I’m using Gareth kings book which I’d recommend to others as I’m revising level 3)

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I’ve just come across this (again, though I had no recollection of doing it the first time) in old course 3, so I would think it’s fairly common. I also encountered it in Harri Potter on page 3, “Welodd o mo’r tylluanod.” That’s the first time I remember seeing this construction and it had me puzzled for ages! I think that sentence is burned in my brain now :owl:

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It is very common - and easy to comprehend if you know it is a contraction of ‘dim o’


Have a look at this DuoLingo discussion:

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Thanks :grinning:, so is dim o nothing of?

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Thanks, this helps :grinning:

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Yes. :slight_smile:

Absolutely NOT. :slight_smile:

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that’s right

Yes, and yes. :slight_smile: (Well - not WORRY about it, but certainly try to do it when required!)

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