Menter Maldwyn - 2022 Events

Here’s where you’ll find events, news and activities organised by Menter Maldwyn!

Here’s one event coming up that sounds like it will be loads of fun! I wish I still lived within driving distance of Machynlleth!

If you’re on Facebook, here’s a link: Noson Balfolk (Twmpath Ewropeaidd/folk dance evening)

Taith Dywys o amgylch Machynlleth Dydd Sadwrn yma (5/3/22) @ 1.30pm!
Guided tour of Machynlleth this Saturday (5/3/22) @ 1.30pm!

Fel arfer yn costio £10 - cynnig arbennig Gŵyl Ddewi - AM DDIM!
Usually costs £10 - special St David’s Day Offer - FREE!

Eisiau dysgu mwy am Owain Glyndŵr a thref Mach - taith awr a hanner hamddenol a paned i orffen.
Want to learn more about Owain Glyndŵr and the town of Mach - easy hour and a half walk with a paned to finish.
07969 062263

Dyma Cwis Kahoot Dwyieithog Gŵyl Ddewi. Mae croeso i chi ei rannu
gyda’ch dysgwyr. Mae’r cwis ar agor am wythnos - tan nos Lun y 7fed o
Here is a bilingual Kahoot St David’s day quiz. Feel free to share
with your Welsh learners. The quiz is open until next Monday evening
the 7th of March.

Game pin: 02204874

Ar y ddau sleid cyntaf mae fideo “Mewn Cymeriad” Dewi Sant i’w wylio.
Mae’r fideo ar y sleid cyntaf yn Gymraeg a’r fideo ar yr ail sleid yn
Saesneg. Does dim rhaid gwylio’r ddau fideo, gellir clicio “Next” i
basio’r fideo nad ydych am wylio.
Mae’r cwestiynau i gyd yn ddwyieithog, ac atebion y cwestiynau i gyd
i’w darganfod yn y fideo- felly gwrandewch yn astud!

On the first two slide there is a St David video to watch. The video
on the first slide is in Welsh and English on the second slide. You
don’t need to watch both, you can just click “next” to move past the
video you don’t want to watch.
All the questions are bilingual, and answers to all the questions can
be found in the video- so listen carefully!

Mwynhewch a Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus i bawb!
Enjoy and Happy St David’s Day to all!