Here’s where you will be able to read about events and activities taking place in the western part of Carmarthenshire - Sir Gâr!
Coffi a Chlonc:
Mae’r sesiynau yma sydd wedi cael eu cynnal ers cychwyn y cyfnod clo yn parhau. Dyma gyfle i ddod ynghyd i sgwrsio a chymdeithasu dros baned bob bore dydd Iau am 10.30yb ar Zoom. Mae’r weithgaredd yma yn addas ar gyfer dysgwyr neu siaradwyr rhugl. I dderbyn y linc cysylltwch gyda []
Coffi a Chlonc ** Coffee & Chat:**
These sessions that have been held since the start of the lockdown period have restarted. Here’s a chance to get together and chat over a cuppa every Thursday morning at 10.30am on Zoom. This activity is suitable for learners or fluent speakers. To receive the link please contact []
Clybiau Darllen:
Mae Menter Gorllewin Sir Gâr yn trefnu dau glwb darllen sy’n cwrdd unwaith y mis ar Zoom. Mae clwb darllen i oedolion yn cwrdd bob ail nos Fawrth y mis am 7yh a chlwb darllen i ddysgwyr yn cwrdd ar nos Fawrth olaf pob mis am 7yh. Dyma gyfle i ddod ynghyd i gymdeithasu a thrafod nofelau cyfoes. Am fwy o wybodaeth neu i gofrestru cysylltwch gyda []
Book Clubs:
Menter organizes two book clubs that meet once a month on Zoom. An adult reading club meet every second Tuesday of the month at 7pm and a the learners reading club meet on the last Tuesday of every month at 7pm. This is an opportunity to get together to socialize and discuss contemporary novels. For more information or to register contact []
Sesiynau stori:
Rydym yn ail-gychwyn sesiynau stori mewn tair ardal sef Caerfyrddin ar ddydd Llun yng Nghanolfan Chwarae Sgiliau ar y 10fed, 17eg, 24ain a 31ain o Ionawr a’r 7fed a 14eg o Chwefror. Yn San Clêr ar ddydd Mercher yn Y Gât ar y 12fed, 19eg a’r 26ain o Ionawr, yr 2il, 9fed a’r 16eg o Chwefror. A sesiynau newydd sbon yng Nghwmann ar ddydd Iau yn Neuadd Sant Iago ar y 13eg, 20fed a’r 27ain o Ionawr, ar 3ydd a 10fed o Chwefror. Bydd y sesiynau yn cychwyn am 10:30yb ym mhob lleoliad. Ymunwch â ni mewn sesiwn stori ac ychydig o ganu. Mae’n angenrheidiol i bawb gofrestru o flaen llaw. Cysylltwch gyda [] i gofrestru.
Story sessions:
We are resuming story sessions in three areas, Carmarthen on Mondays at Sgiliau Play Center on the 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st of January and the 7th and 14th of February. At St.Clears on Wednesdays at The Gate on the 12th, 19th and 26th of January, the 2nd, 9th and 16th of February. And brand new sessions in Cwmann on Thursdays at St James’s Hall on the 13th, 20th and 27th of January, and on the 3rd and 10th of February. Sessions start at 10:30am at each location. Join us in a story session and some singing. Please register in advance. Contact to register.