Menter BGTM Skype Group

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation Menter Iaith Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen a Mynwy have recently started a Skype group to give you a chance to chat with one of our officers over the web. We will also be running Welsh-medium events online such as ‘Welsh Story Time’, crafting and gaming sessions. Welsh learners are more than welcome to join.

If you are interested in joining the group, please email

I will keep this thread updated with timetabled events over the coming days/weeks:


Menter Iaith BGTM will be holding a Welsh Quiz on Facebook Live on Tuesday afternoon, 24th March. The quiz will start at 4 o’clock! The quiz will be suitable for Welsh learners and fluent speakers!

Remember that if you want to practise using your Welsh. Menter Iaith BGTM are hosting Skype sessions. If you’re interested in joining the group, please email us at:

Looing to practise / speak some Welsh this morning? Josh will be available for a chat over Skype from 10am!


Just to remined that there is a chance to speak / practise some Welsh with Menter BGTM from Monday to Friday, from 10-12. If you want to be part of our Skype group. Please contact us:


Please see the poster below with all our online activities next week. For some of the activities you just need to be on our Facebook page to view the live video(s) Menter Iaith Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen a Mynwy . For the Skype activities, please contact us to be added to the relevant groups:

Diolch :slight_smile:

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Live Facebook Quiz today at 4pm on our Facebook Page Menter Iaith Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen a Mynwy . Come and join in and test your knowledge !!

Diolch :slight_smile:

Here is a list of events this week online with Menter BGTM. there is a quiz today as well on our Facebook page: Menter Iaith Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen a Mynwy


Here is a poster including our online activities this week :slight_smile:


Bore da

Here is a list of our online activities for this week.
