Meditation yn y Gymraeg

Hi, apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I’ve just started a Welsh meditation course. It’s £28 for a month’s worth of sessions and I’m finding them really helpful. I’m useless at keeping still usually but somehow with it being in Welsh it keeps my focus. It’s also great listening practice with lots of repetition. The tutor’s from Aberystwyth so it’s southern Welsh.


For people that like this sort of thing, there is also a free Welsh-language app with guided meditations (link to Apple store - other platforms are available!)


I hope you enjoy the course! I did a yoga/writing retreat recently (in Welsh), and the yoga teacher was wonderful - Laura Karadog. I think she’s got a number of videos on YouTube (dating from Covid time?) It was my first time doing yoga through the medium of Welsh, and I really enjoyed it. (I’m just sad I don’t live any closer to Laura to be able to go to her classes regularly!)


Diolch yn fawr iawn Sara. That sounds really interesting. I’ll take a look at YouTube.

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Diddorol iawn! Diolch Sara!


Does she do zoom classes. I know alot of my local yoga studios do?


I don’t think she does at the moment - I’ve told her to let me know if she starts though!