Looking for TV programme participant! 📺

Series producer Ffion Jones from Boom Cymru has been in touch regarding a new programme she’s working on. She reached out to SSi because she wants to find a learner who’d like to participate in the programme.

She’s searching in particular for an individual who fits the following criteria:

  • An advanced-level learner
  • A historian
  • An architect
  • Or a historian who’s also an architect
  • Someone youngish

So if you think that this might be you, please let us know and we will put you in touch with Ffion!



Haia Catrin

Dw i ddim yn hanesydd, ond mae gen i ddidordeb mawr yn, a chryn dipyn o wybodaeth am, hanes, yn enwedig hanes Cymru.

Dw i ddim yn bensaer chwaith, ond dw i’n gwbod tipyn bach am bensaernieath hefyd.

A dw i ddim yn ifanc o bell ffordd. Yn eith itha hen, yn anffodus!). Ond dw i’n ‘siaradwr newydd hyderus’ a dw i wedi bod ar y teledu o’r blaen. Felly tasa Ffion yn ddesprad, ella baswn i’n gwneud y tro?


David Fagan


Diolch David! Na’i basio dy fanylion mlaen! :blush:

The S4C series ‘Ffit Cymru’ has come to an end, but the concept is undergoing its own transformation and Cwmni Da are on the lookout for participants in the new format to be filmed this year - Tŷ Ffit.

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