Looking for a South Welsh practice speaking partner

Hi there

Having got to Level 1 Challenge 22, I can feel how not using what I’m learning in actual conversation is missing out on so much potential progress.

So, I wonder if there’s someone out there who would like to get together, presumably on Zoom or similar, to have a go at practising together?

I’d suggest it be a very ‘informal’ arrangement, no pressure on either of us to commit to anything specific, but maybe being able to arrange 20-30 mins or so, every now and then, just to get into the habit of actually creating and using conversation back and forth.

What do you think?

I’m Ben, I’m a 54 year old doctor planning to move to Wales in the next 12-18 months, and I’ve promised myself to try to become as competent as possible in Welsh before we make our move!

So, reply here or DM me if you think you might like to set something up. As I said, it needn’t be anything where we feel we ‘have’ to commit to a frequency that we don’t want, but it would be nice to put all of this effort into something more ‘real’!

Or, if any very good/fluent speakers want to take on a little project, I could be that!

Take care



Other people will give you a better answer but have you tried this scheme to get learners and speakers together? Siarad | Learn Welsh

I live in the deep north, meeting face to face with people after completing SSIW is always the most fun way to continue learning imo.

Your positive attitude to learn Welsh is deeply welcomed by the way. Some doctors have not learnt a word in 30 years much to the ire of some in Welsh speaking areas



I would be up for practising with you if you still want to do this. I’m only of challenge 15 of level 1 at the moment but I have also completed the Duolingo course and I really want to find other learners to practice speaking with. I know many fluent speakers but don’t have the confidence to practice with them!

I live in South Wales by the way.

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Thanks so much for your suggestions, @brynle.

And you’re very kind about my approach to Welsh, but I’m afraid it will not be for patients’ benefit! Our plan is to move to Wales in the next 12-18 months after over 30 years of frontline NHS service! Time for a new adventure doing something different!


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Shwmae, Andrea!

I’ll DM you!


If you’re able to take part in the Group Chat in SSiW Community Chat on Thursday evenings, we’ve just started a new structure for that one where you get a chance to chat in pairs for 10-15 minutes at a time. That would give you lots of opportunities to practise speaking with partners.


@andrea-murtagh your invitation to join the SSiW Community Chat group is still unanswered so it may have gone into your spam. I’ve just sent you another one.

Hi Ben. I live in South Wales and would be happy to link up with you. I have a number of Welsh speaking friends I practice with, maybe one of those could join us too?


Hi Fran

I’ve DM’d you.


Shwmae Deborah. Gobeithio ti’n iawn. Dw i newydd gweld dy neges di. Sut mae pawb yn ymuno y sgwrsio yn ddydd Iau?

Dw i’n iawn, diolch, a tithau?
Mae dolen Zoom i ymuno â’r sesiwn yn cael ei phostio yn y sianel #group-video-sessions cyn pob sesiwn - felly, os ti’n mynd yno am 18:50 ar ddydd Iau, ti’n mynd i weld y ddolen. Os ti wedi anghofio sut i mynd i mewn i Slack, defnyddia ssiw66.slack.com i ffeindio’r ffordd.

I’m fine, thanks, and you?
The Zoom link to join the session is posted in the channel #group-video-sessions before each session - so, if you go there at 18:50 on Thursdays, you’re going to see the link. If you’ve forgotten how to go into Slack, use ssiw66.slack.com to find the way.

Pob hwyl,

Shwmae Alan Owen sy ma , I’m up to help if I can just message me back so we can arrange a session at a time that’s convenient for both of us.

Da bo Alan

Hello Ben. I’m experiencing the same frustration as you and should value a chat with someone at roughly my level on a fairly regular basis. What you’r describing sounds about right for me. Diana

@Disy @benjamin-stanhope I’m tagging you both so that you can see how it’s done.

Ben’s message is from October last year, so it may not still be relevant, but it doesn’t hurt to get in touch and find out :slight_smile: