Looking for a casual Welsh Speaking group in Pontyclun, Talbot Green, Llantrisant, Miskin etc

S’mae Pawb

Esgusodwch fy Wenglish.

Dw i wedi Edrych yn y forum am yr uwchben ardalau, ond o’n y post diwetha ddeg blwyddyn.

Dw i wedi dechrau thread newydd i weld y situation. Dw i wedi eisoes trio postiwch ar y Facebook ond dim response.

Hi everyone

Excuse my Wenglish

I have searched the forum for the above areas, but the last post was ten years ago.

I have started this new thread to see what the current situation is. I have already tried posting to facebook, but there hasn’t been any response.



Well done for posting using your Welsh, and don’t apologise for Wenglish, although we usually stick to English on the forum for general enquiries so that those with less vocabulary can understand and respond to posts.

I can’t think of any groups off the top of my head - perhaps someone in that area will be able to answer - but in the meantime, perhaps it’s worth having a look at the Menter Rhondda Cynon Taf website to see what they’re running in the area that might suit you https://menteriaith.cymru/gweithgareddau-activities/ :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the suggestion Siaron

I’ve edited my post to include the english so everyone can read it.

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Did you manage to find anything locally to you? We had regular meetings in Bridgend and Pencoed at one point but they seemed to have come to a natural end. I’m considering starting them back up, if that is of interest to you.



Hi Neil,

Unfortunately not. As i mentioned in my first post, I did try my area hubs on facebook, and even attempted to start my own group, but nobody turned up. Which is why I decided to try this forum to see if the issue was visibility.

I had a look at the mentorship page that siaron shared, but sadly there was nothing suitable.

We had a reasonable group in Bridgend once with between 5-6 people turning up most times. We met once a month (ish). A friend recently suggested a place in Pencoed. If this is of interest to you let me know and I’ll keep you in the loop.

Hi Neil yes this would be of interest. Can i also ask what day of the week you would be likely to meet?

We met regularly on a Saturday and I think once on a Sunday.

Was difficult in the week due to work commitments of most.