‘A funny thing happened on the way (back) to the Forum’…
Having been absolutely ‘gung ho’ about learning Welsh, thanks to SSiW and the encouragement from everyone on this Forum, I dived into the deep end taking on some heavy-duty university Celtic Studies, so fell off the wagon part way into both Course 2 and Level 2. Then I got sick,… Then work got in the way,… Then we went on vacation (with a crash course in German to prepare for that),… Then I came home, did the laundry and the outside house repairs that need good weather,… Then,…
Then I ran out of excuses, so dipped my toe back in the water, figured I would race through Course 1 by way of revision (not using the ‘Pause Button’ so I could power through it), and that’s when a funny thing happened–I started responding spontaneously–instinctively. Wow, neat!
Did the ‘time out’ help? Maybe. Did racing through everything? Maybe. All I can say to those of you feeling like you’ll never get the hang of this–trust the system, because whether it is long-term memory or short-term, or some magic combination, somehow the words and phrases get bedded in. So keep going.
Getting involved on the Forum also helps because there is a wealth of first -hand knowledge here, so plenty of tips, a load of encouragement and good friends ‘out there’.
They say everything old is new again. Yes, this topic has come up before, so if the website guru wants to redirect it, I am happy. Or, perhaps I can throw out a couple of questions by way of conversation starters:
What word or phrase just refuses to sink in and stick? (For me they are the Welsh for win and lose–I wonder why?). How did you eventually nail it down?
I’m open to suggestions and promise to give them a try.
All the best,