Little stories (level 2, challenge 4) ready for improvement

Vincent dw i ac dw i’n byw yn Rossum, pentref bach yn y Tiroedd Isel ar bwys ’s-Hertogenbosch.
Dw i wedi ymddeol ac dw i’n trio dysgu cymraeg am biti blwyddyn nawr.
Fy hobïau yw darllen, marchogaeth ac adrodd straeon, dw i’n storïwr.
Dw i’n hoffi dysgu cymraeg.
Sut dych chi heddiw?

Helo, ydych chi am siarad â mi yn Gymraeg?
Maen drwg da fi, ni chlywais i chi.
Allwch chi siarad ychydig yn arafach?
Diolch yn fawr.
Mae rhaid i fi fynd nawr!

Mae fy mab Kaj yn dri deg wyth nawr.
Mae’n briod â Astrid.
Maen nhw’n byw yn berlin.
Mae gyda ni ddau blant: yn bachgen ac un ferch. Noah ac Livia.


Hi Vincent! Welcome to the SSiW forum!

I have wonderful memories of visiting ’s-Hertogenbosch in 2012, such a beautiful place! It sounds as if you’re making excellent progress - well done!

If you are wanting to work your way through the Speaking Practice challenges, here’s a comprehensive explanation on how to do that and where to post your progress in order to gain your badges -

All the best with the rest of your learning journey!

By the way, just a little reminder, we try to keep the forum language to English as much as we can, to give brand new learners the opportunity to get involved in all conversations. Diolch! :smiley: