I’m working through Listening Exercises #5 through #1 on Level 2. There seems to be a lot of echoing and background clutter which makes a difficult challenge even harder. I have a conventional audio setup on my desktop and don’t have the issue anywhere else with SSIW.
The way the exercises were recorded on old equipment, then sped up to the required speed, has meant that they are not as clear as they could be, however, this does give you the experience of trying to follow conversation in a noisy environment, an advantage when you go to Welsh social events.
Having said that, those recordings are fairly old now and as we move into AutoMagic and newer technology, we will be looking again at the Listening Exercises and seeing how they can be improved.
For now, don’t worry about trying to understand them. Just let them flow over you, and gradually your subconscious will start to pick out words from the background noise and make some sense of them.
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