Link to thread needed

I’ve recorded my 1 sentence for week 5 and recorded my 13 sentences for week 6. However I’ve downloaded them on my profile on the forum because I can’t find the link to download them in the correct thread. Anyone help with the proper link?

I just went to find it, and I saw that you’ve posted them there now. Da iawn ti :slight_smile:

You need to put the links into the thread and not upload them to the forum. So, if you put the recording(s) to the soundcloud, you simply copy the link and paste it into the forum. You have to open the separate thread for the recordings just like you did for this one post and paste the link to the post. The category should be “Welsh/Speaking practices” and not just Welsh.

Hope it helps.

Tatjana :slight_smile:

EDIT @Deborah-SSi and I obviously replied simultaniously so I didn’t see the reply before.

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