Life after level two

Ti’n gwneud yn wych, Peter - llongyfarchiadau mawr iawn! :star: :star2:

It’s all about time vs health, I’m afraid - but I’m certainly hoping we’ll have the end of Level 2 available for our southern learners in the fairly near future… :slight_smile:

Wel, heddiw, nes i orffen y cwrs.

Ond…gormod o geiriau newydd!!!

Felly, amser i siarad cymraeg efo rhywun!! Dw i’n nerfus i fod yn honest ond rhaid i mi drio.

Nes i drio gwers 25 o “level 1”…am hwyl wrth gwrs. Wow…yn araf iawn! Dw i’n methu credu sut dw i 'di gwella mewn amser byr.

Dw i’n teimlo’n falch iawn. :smiley:


Gwych, llongyfarchiadau mawr iawn! :star: :star2:

Yes, it’s definitelyi time for you to be getting regular conversation practice now - you have effectively learnt the language (certainly the bulk of what you’d be using on a regular basis) and putting it all into practice is what will make it real and natural for you… :slight_smile:

Wel es i i 'r saith seren heno. O’n i’n teimlo’n ddewr…neu twp! Diolch @gruntius. O’n i’n nerfus iawn! Wela i 'chdi eto! Rwan hyn dw i angen cwrw!


Fantastic Peter, it was great to meet you, everyone was very impressed and you flew the SSiW flag with great bravery (fair play mate, you were visually shaking for the first ten minutes :astonished:). Thank you for coming and looking forward to seeing you there again. (I won’t be there for a few weeks now because of work.)

Nothing you ever do again on your journey to fluency will be as difficult as tonight, you are now a Welsh speaker. Llongyfarchiadau.


Diolch yn fawr iawn. Ddydd Sadwrn dw i 'n mynd i parc wepre… Paned a sgwrs. Nes i ffeindio y sesiwn yn dy neges. Dw i edrych ymlaen i fynd.


Wel heddiw es i i’r grwp arall.

O’n i’n medru siarad efo pobl sy wedi dysgu cymraeg am dair blynedd.

Oedd pawb yn synnu bo’ fi wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg ers Mai…deg wythnos, dw i’n meddwl.

@aran dw i’n gwybod bod ddudes i bo fi’n meddwl y cwrs yn ardderchog ond dw i’n teimlo’n falch iawn eto. Rwan, dw i’n mynd i ffeindio cwrs newydd i wneud a dw i’n mynd i ymarfer pob dydd.

a…@gruntius paid a phoeni…dw i ddim yn mynd i hwylio’r ar y mor er moyn dathlu


LOL! So glad to hear you say that, Toffidil! I have the same trouble sometimes - by the time I get to the last quarter of a sentence, I’ve forgotten what I was meant to be saying. I thought it was just me! :wink:

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I think it’s pretty much everybody ;).


I just make it up now - the ones that get me are the ones like

“she said, he is going to say that they have already said that to us about a month before I was going to say it to you and I said nothing to them, because I couldn’t hear what they said to you anyway, although the old woman said she knew what was being said”

Even Aran wouldn’t be that cruel? (maybe he would), but sometimes you just have to say “too much”, I can’t cope with that even in English either thank you very much.


I think even a native speaker would have trouble with those long sentences :wink: But the brilliant thing about them is that they get you speaking without knowing exactly what you’re going to say, and while you’re speaking the first part you’re thinking about what’s coming up so you’re not focused on exactly what you’re saying as you’re saying it. So the familiar patterns trip out automatically. Which is exactly how we speak (most of the time) in real life - rarely do we plan exactly what we’re going to say (unless we’re planning to start an awkward conversation with someone…) The reason most of us can’t get through them is a memory failure (forgetting what it is we’re supposed to be saying) rather than a failure of Welsh (knowing how to say it). I think making it up is an excellent tactic!


I find that when i start typing a reply and then all of a sudden…


I often say something meaningless or nonsense and get that blank reaction, followed by: What are you on about? What are you saying?. You alright are you?. This is in english and maybe about my language skills, but of a quite different kind.

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Wel…wnes i ddim siarad cymraeg pan o’n i’n aros yn Lanberis ond…heddiw, ar y ffordd adre, es i i’r “siop y siswrn” yn Yr Wyddgrug a wnes i siarad cymraeg - o’n i isio prynu rhywbeth i helpu fi ddysgu mwy a felly oedd rhaid i mi siarad cymraeg. Wnes i ddewis cwrs newydd i helpu fi dysgu geirfa. Hefyd, wnaethon ni siarad am y tywydd, ddoe a heddiw! Ardderchog!

Yr wythnos yma, bydda i’n mynd i’r Almaen, felly bydd gen i rhywbeth i wneud ar y awyren


Those who were listening to my live day of learning Manx heard me say that on a number of occasions…:wink:

And (in part) as a result of that, we’re going to be tweaking the course creation tool to be a little less brutal on sentence length… which will filter through to Level 3 Welsh… :slight_smile:


ok…ar ol lefel 2…

Ddoe, nes i brynu llyfr ac CD - pam? Wel, i fod yn onest dw i isio deallt mwy a dw i ‘di ffeindio bo’ fi ddim yn gwybod sut i siarad am y tywydd neu sut i ofyn am pethau yn siopau.

Hefyd, dw i di bod yn gwrando ar radio cymru. Eto, fedra i ddim yn deallt gormod!

Dw i’n gwybod bo’ fi angen ymarfer siarad mor cymaint a fosib. Es i i’r Saith Seren (diolch @gruntius) a hefyd “paned a sgwrs” yng Nghei Connah, rownd y cornel o le dw i’n byw.

Ond mae gen i cwestiwn? Be’ nesaf? Cwrs yn coleg?


Os ti isio, os byddi di’n mwynhau, ia, ar bob cyfrif…

Ond beth ti angen ydi - mwy a mwy o amser yn y Saith Seren… :slight_smile:


Diolch @aran
yfory dw i’n mynd i’r Almaen… Dw i’n gobeithio cyfarfod rhywun o SSIW yno am cwrw a sgwrs.

Fedra i ddim mynd i Saith Seren tan Awst rwan ond dw i’n gwybod y dylwn i fynd eto. Ond hefyd, dw i’n meddwl bo’ fi isio trio cwrs newydd :slight_smile:


Be’ ddidodd Aran, siarad efo cymaint o bobl â phosib mor aml â phosib. Da blydi iawn i ti.


Wel ers mis gorffenaf wnes i stopio dysgu tan mis medi. Ond rwan dw i’n dysgu eto.

Dw i wedi siarad efo @margaretnock ar skype dwy waith a hefyd wnaethon ni gyfarfod pan oedd margaret yn y Gogledd mis diwetha.

Ond…be’ nesaf? Cwrs? Neu llawer o ymarfer, teledu a radio?

Dw i angen syniad am beth i wneud nesaf.

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