Level 3. Challenge 13

She almost got lost because she turned left instead of right.
Bu bron iddi fynd ar goll achos iddi droi i’r chwith yn lle i’r dde.
I had ‘wnaeth hi droi’…why is just ‘iddi’?

You’d be fine with ‘achos wnaeth hi’ - but ‘achos i’ is a pretty common structures, so worth getting exposed to it… :slight_smile:

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Thanks Aran - I’m all for a bit of exposure! But…still a bit stumped as to why it’s just ‘iddi’. There’s no indication that it’s in the past. Or is that suggested at the start with ‘Bu bron iddi’? And I’m assuming that ‘bu’ is a shortened version of ‘buodd’?

Yup, the bu is the tense marker there - very common alternative to buodd… :slight_smile:

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Fab - diolch.

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