Level 2 (new)

Hi All,
I can’t seem to find New Level 2 lessons for Southern; am I missing them or are they not ready yet?
Diolch, banto

Shw mae @daibanto

Level 2 for Cymraeg Southern is not ready yet. As a matter in fact there is Challenge 25 of Level 1 which has to be recorded/finished first as it is not available yet aswell.

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Diolch Tatjana ichi am eich ateb cyflym, sain dda iawn am fynd o amgylch y fforwm eto, felly 'wi 'n meddwl mod i 'n colli rhywbeth.

Diolch eto, banto

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Ychi ddim yn colli dim byd. :slight_smile:

ac, ydych Chi’n gallu defnyddio “ti” form am fi, plis? Diolch yn fawr iawn. :slight_smile:

Wrth cwrs, tatjana. Dwi byth yn gwybod pa un i ddefnyddio.
Fydda ti 'n gwneud yr un i fi eto, plis, diolch

Dim problem. :slight_smile: Diolch yn fawr iawn.

As Tatjana has already said - but the good news is that (largely thanks to the Growth Club: The SSi Growth Club) we should be able to move forward a fair bit faster on this over the next month or two :sunny: