Level 2 Challenge 2 (South)

There’s a sentence ‘He said that she’d better try to speak a little more slowly’ (09:51) which I was expecting to be ‘Dweddodd e bod well iddi hi drio siarad bach yn arafach’ but it sounds like ‘Dwedodd e byddai’n well iddi hi drio siarad bach yn arafach’

Please could someone explain why this is?

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Hi @diana-allpress

This is one of those situations where the way we say something in English is rather odd - and the Welsh is more logical - there are a few of these around future and conditional tenses, where in English we use another tense.

The Welsh is literally:

He said it would be better for her to speak a little more slowly.

Which seems very sensible. English is my first language but I find the English - she’d better - harder to justify - it is commonly used but idiomatic I think.

Rich :slight_smile:


Diolch for the explanation :grinning:

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