Level 1, South, challenge 22

The sentences containing ‘mae eisiau fi’ from challenge 22 sound absolutely Chinese to me. Is there someone who can give me the ‘lyrics’ please. That would be extremely helpful.

Hi @vincent-wibier,

So, it’s the construct which is probably at the root of this, as having had a quick listen, this lesson has things built on top of it…

Mae - eisiau - i fi…

…literally means…

There is - a want - for me to…

…and this translates into a meaning of ‘need’.

English used to have the same sort of interpretation in times gone by as illustrated by the poem/saying…’for the want of a nail a shoe was lost, for the want of a shoe the horse was lost’…and so on…but this sense has withered over time.

So this construct in Welsh is using Mae - without ‘yn’ or ‘r’ - to mean ‘there is’ (mae is a hard working word!)

By contrast for negatives and questions Welsh is a bit more up front and uses ‘Oes’ - a word which refers to lifetimes/ ages…and therefore existence. ‘Oes?’ means - ‘Is there?’ …and ‘does dim’ means ‘There isn’t’,

So…for example, the first instance I hear in the lesson is…

‘Nobody needs to tell me ‘

In Welsh this turns into…,

‘There isn’t - a want/ need for nobody - to tell me…


Does dim - eisiau I neb - ddweud wrtha I

I’m hoping with the ‘rules’ the other examples drop into place - but let me know.

Rich :slight_smile:


Since I find this version of need quite complicated to learn, I’d add ask about another one that’s later in the challenge (that I have as a note, but can’t find exact minute right now):

Everyone needs to drink something - Mae eisiau pawb (bawb?) yfed rhywbeth
Everyone needs to do enough to help - Mae eisiau pawb gnewd digon i helpu

I’m quite sure the sequence is correct, not sure about mutations in general, and especially if I’m hearing…pawb or bawb?

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So this would be.,.

There is a want/ need for - everyone - to drink something

Mae eisiau I - bawb - yfed rhwybeth

( pawb -> bawb - soft mutation after ‘i’)

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Hi, I’m doing the Northern course but I’m quite sure it is: Mae eisiau i bawb, the “i” causes the soft mutation.


There is a need for - everyone- to do enough to help

Mae eisiau I - bawb - wneud digon I helpu

(Gwneud -> wneud - soft mutation because it it is right next to the subject of the sentence - which could equally be ni, chi, i or e…)

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…I think the eisiau I fi, rhaid I fi type of structures… along with the similar ‘something’ arna I…and well da fi / gen I is an area where Welsh is a bit different on a day-to-day basis in a low grade, not too radical sort of way…

…but once you’ve got your head around that sort of idea you’re half way there! :upside_down_face:

Rich :slight_smile:

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Oh thanks @rich and @brigitte.

Looks like I should always trust my ears for mutations!

I was hearing bawb and wneud.
But I doubted because the i melted into the u of eisiau, and there was no pronoun before gwneud so i couldn’t figure why they should mutate (turns out there was an extra i, and it’s not a matter of pronoun but of subject).

So now it’s clear! :slight_smile:

However, I’m still planning to permanently adopt a more straightforward angen here, no matter if it’s more Northern-flavored! :grin:
Even though I believe I’ll get to master the rhaid i fi and well da fi at some point so might as well do it for eisiau as well!

By the way, to add a little confusion…if you heard:
sdim eisiau esgus

Would you understand no need or no wanting excuse? :thinking:

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( However, despite the explanation, I would also say ‘don’t worry about it’ because these things seem to resolve themselves and evaporate as ‘problems’ as you go through…SSIW is a very surprising and impressive method of learning)


Yes I would.

Sdim (=does dim) - eisiau - esgus
There isn’t - need for - an excuse

I agree, angen and gorfod have a lot going for them (but don’t tell those gogs :wink: :smile:)


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From one datblygu fan to another, I would hear that as “don’t need an excuse”



Yeah, I always tended to think it this way.
And I see also @rich,now. :smiley:

However some days I wonder if it’s a sort of “I don’t want [to hear] any excuse” (i gael amser da, just for non fans to be aware of how the verse ends!) :wink:

p.s. By the way I just LOVE the way he says eisiau and da! I want to always pronounce them just like Dave!! :grin:


Gan fy mod i’n Gog,’swn i ddeud…’sdim angen esgus’

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I found that baffling at first, its really sunk in now and the “weird” sentence construction feels very natural to me after a year or so of practice (it happened sooner than a year).

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I’ll let you know when it ‘hits’ me…

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