'Da ni’n dechrau cynhyrchu cyfres newydd i ddysgwyr Cymraeg ar gyfer strand Dal Ati ar S4C.
Syniad y gyfres ydi mynd â dysgwr i dreulio cwpwl o ddyddiau hefo teulu sy’n byw eu bywydau bron yn gyfangwbwl yn Gymraeg. Bydd gofyn i’r dysgwr wneud gweithgareddau a sialensau bach yn ystod ei amser hefo’r teulu a bydd y dysgwr yn elwa o ddefnyddio’r iaith yn ddi–stop am ddeuddydd hefo’r teulu.
Felly dwi’n chwilio am ddysgwyr hwyliog a siaradus sydd yn gêm am dipyn o hwyl a phrofiadau newydd. Byddai angen iddyn nhw fod ar lefel Canolradd (neu uwch) gan mai dyma mae’r gwasanaeth Dal Ati yn ei dargedu.’
They’re looking for learners (Canolradd or higher) to spend a couple of days with a Welsh-speaking family (activities, challenges, non-stop Welsh) - ideally, they want pretty talkative people…
It’s for a new section on the television programme for learners, Dal Ati.
If you’re interested, sing out in this thread and I’ll point Ffion at it.
This sounds amazing, a really great opportunity for someone. If I wasn’t already away from family for a week on a bootcamp this year I would be very tempted.
Hi Lynne - sure, I will do - but filming schedules for this sort of stuff are usually very inflexible, so it’ll be a matter of crossing fingers that the time slot matches…
Dal Ati is a TV programme @lynne_freudigmann. And you would be fine. They would do an interview with you first by phone to check your language skills are up to it, and if not they wouldn’t film you in the first place. Go for it @lynne_freudigmann. The worst they can do to you is say No. And why would they? Someone come all the way from the other side of the world to explore their Welsh roots. A gift! That’s how adventures are made!
Now that I read it properly I can see that I would definitely not qualify as they want intermediate to higher speakers. The only person I e spoken welsh to is Catrin and most of that was English. I think that after Bootcamp, Eisteddfod and a week with you I might scrape through but they wouldn’t even look at me right now. If they called me in welsh my reply would probably be “Uhh?!” It would be fun but maybe next time. I’m counting the days to Bootcamp and looking forward to adventures in Eisteddfod week.
I’ve been “learning” on and off for over 10 years but I no one to practice with. Using the language is the best way to learn it in my view. So, two days of only Welsh would be perfect for me to get my confidence up.
pob lwc all - whilst I would love to do this – unfortunately although I’m very talkative in English I’m still not confident enough (or fluent enough in my opinion) in Welsh - look forward to seeing the program
Byswn i’n lyfio wneud o. Anffodus, dwi’n byw yn Mississippi a nid yng Nghymru neu ym Mrythain (a dwi’n dinesydd yn yr UDA yn unig ) . Dwi’n siŵr dydyn nhw ddim yn mynd i ddewis rhywun o tu allan y wlad. Jyst rhag ofn, oes na modd i ffeindio allan? Dwi’n gwybod bydd yr ateb “na, dim siawns”. Ta waith, benderfynes i holi.