Learners in Germany?

Hey there!
I started learning a little while ago (had to take a break for work reasons and now all excited to get back, i am so in love with ssiw!!), so i was wandering: are there any learners from Germany here? Sometimes it would be great to discuss a topic not through trying to translate the problem into english. And when things one day go back to normal it would be fantastic to have a meet up!


Oh yes, there are a lot of learners from Germany here! Too many to tag, but hereā€™s two of the more active-on-the-forum ones for you - @Hendrik @brigitte


There definitely are. Ble wyt tiā€™n byw yn Yr Almaen, te? I dimly remember that some (longish) time ago there was the idea of a meet-up in Germany. I donā€™t know what became of that idea, though. There is also a map somewhere on the forum (?) where you might find learnes in your vicinity.


Click on FAQ in the top bar, and thereā€™s a tab ā€˜mapā€™ to click to view the zoomable maps (and if you want to be added to it, hereā€™s the place to ask : The 'Please add me to the SSiW map' thread šŸ—ŗ :slight_smile: )

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Just found it, thank you siaron!


Hahah took me a moment to not skipping the welsh part, simply dismissing it as: wont understand anyways hahah. I live in Nuremberg. Just checked the map, and yes, plenty of learners in Germany! Thanks for your help!

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Helo @hannah-deuchler :slight_smile:
Iā€™m not on the map, but live in Germany, too.
If thereā€™s ever going to be a meet-up in Germany, count me in!


Hello Hannah,
I live in Upper Bavaria, when times are normal again, it should be possible to meet. Good luck with the course and donā€™t hesitate to ask if you need help, in English or German.

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Thanks Brigitte!!

Iā€™m an avid learner of German (at the moment), and Iā€™ve learned Welsh to an academic level (not to brag), so would love to start a language exchange with some Germans interested in learning Welsh!


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Hey, last week the guys who did this websitecontacted me.
Now itā€™s still being tested, but I think it could be interesting, if it stays updated and helps people around the world with any kind of connection to Wales find the others!

If you want to have a look:


Hi Hannah!
Just read your postā€¦ Iā€™ve really not been as active on the forum as I would like to be, but yupā€¦ another learner from Germany here! And I seem to have dragged my kids into it, too, during the lockdownā€¦ they are eagerly following Bedtime Welsh.

I live in Lower Saxony, thoughā€¦ so NĆ¼rnberg isnā€™t really what I would call ā€œaround the cornerā€ :wink:


Not just round the corner is still close enough! :smile:
I think this thread might sometimes be useful for questions that might be easier to answer with a reference to German. Just now I had a thought about the use of bo fi/ bo ti and was like: hey thatā€˜s just like in German. Dismissed it for now, cause Iā€™m not really shure anymore hahaha

And bedtime Welsh really sounds great!

I lived in northern Germany for 10 years, und Ich habe eine Dolmetsche Prufung bestanden. I read FAZ or Die Welt on line every other day, retain many friends in Germany. I no longer love there but relish practising German as much as Welsh, but sometimes my German comes out as Kauderwelsch! Happy to communicate with you in either Sprache any time!

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Ok. So here is one where German might be useful. Iā€™m only writing this in German now, because it wonā€˜t be useful if you donā€˜t speak German anyways:

In the tiny questions Thread I asked about the difference between pan and pryd, this is a part of @siaronjames very useful answer:

The confusion is because they can both mean ā€˜whenā€™. ā€˜panā€™ is ā€˜whenā€™ when it is being used as a conjunction, not a question.
ā€˜prydā€™ is used when there is a question - either straightforward or implied.

Jetzt hab ich gedacht, dann ist doch pan wie als? Als wir xy gemacht haben -> pan.
Und dann pryd fĆ¼r (implizite) Fragen.
Es ist vielleicht trotzdem ein bisschen holprig, aber das mĆ¼sste doch eine ganz nĆ¼tzliche StĆ¼tze sein. Was meint ihr?

GrĆ¼ĆŸe a diolch!

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Ja, das siehst du genau richtig.
Als ich ein Kind war - Pan oā€™n iā€™n blentyn
Wann kommst du? - Pryd wyt tiā€™n dod?

But please keep in mind that the official language of this forum is English, in order to be as inclusive as possible. But one possible way to accomodate for German-speaking people would be a sub-channel on our Welsh Speaking Practice Slack group, where we could chat in German about Welsh (or vice versa :wink:

Bis bald!


Hey Hendrik, thanks! Thatā€™s perfect!

And yes, creating a sub channel sounds like a great idea! I think it might really help sometimes to discuss things just like the pan/pryd question in German. Or maybe we donā€˜t actually have to have the whole conversation in German, just the few German words needed to the connection should be enough. Is anyone else interested in a German sub channel?

Just in case someone was wandering, this is what the German part says:

So I was thinking that pan is just like the German ā€žalsā€œ?
When we were doing xy-> pan.
And pryd for (implicit) questions.

Might still not be perfect but should be somewhat useful as a rule of thumb. What do you think?

ā€¦all right. Next time I could as well just write my whole post in English, not more German needed than just the one word. Sorry you all, didnā€˜t mean to make it more complicated than necessary, but sometimes my brain doesnā€™t work that fast!

May I please join your German/Welsh Slack group??


Sure, if it would exist :wink:
Are you already a member of the Welsh Speaking Practice? If not, just send an email to admin@saysomethingin.com with ā€œWSPā€ or ā€œWelsh Speaking Practiceā€ in the subject line to get invited to Slack.
And since there seems to be genuine interest in such a sub-channel, Iā€™ll try and get it sorted out. Iā€™m not sure if I can do that myself, so Iā€™ll just tag @nia.llywelyn and @Deborah-SSi to get them involved. What do you think of the name #german-speakers?